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Everything posted by seb38240

  1. sorry but how do you know that you understandrussian
  2. she just have to shut up why she don"t stop tu open her fucking mouth
  3. they did bad thing cause they see the cam don"t work she was praticelly naked monica and she make some noise like after a sex
  4. would be the best to see them together i think do dirty things in the laudry room why rlc xwhy they don't put a secret cam inside ;p if someone understand russian would be easier to understand the situation
  5. i think we will not see anything maybe monika will do somethin gbut kamilla is to shy
  6. do you hace tre proof your heard them kissing when they come back do you record it
  7. fucking big fat girl she ruin the cam just horrible
  8. he is like a dog he follow everywhere the girls pffff go away uggly man
  9. fucking disgusting couple rlc have to do something with them he is just a fucking looser who destroy her life he nerver clean or watch the best i think that they leave the appartement
  10. i think its about a month he don't take a shower we don't pay for disgusting people rlc have to do something
  11. fucking disgusting guy horrible he nerver wash he look a no brain guy always have the same cloth just horrible pooooooooooooor katya
  12. are they kidding me they never take shower what is the problem with this people ther are fucking disgusting
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