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Posts posted by alt0na_O7

  1. I looked at those who shared quickly. because I didn't watch their show.
    first impression:
    Stas marinated last night. for softening. for easier cooking.

    I'm sure they needed it. because he had closed all the doors because of a past disaster. To open those doors, Clara must share Stas with other girls. This will continue. Let's see if a marinated Stas will be cooked every few days or months. or for us..

    show good or bad. I do not know. because I now follow more psychological activities / behaviors than their sexual activities. 

    (these writings are written assuming that VHTV publishes only and only real life without a scenario.)



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  2. 11 hours ago, letsdothis said:

    Alt0na, you seem to be saying that you really believe Clara is doing
    something to actually cause these people to leave VH, like a witch's
    spell or a Vodou doll or something. (Not that there's anything wrong
    with Wicca or Vodou.) Or, that simply knowing Clara will somehow
    cause a tenant to have to leave VH. Surely you don't truly think that
    Clara is doing or even would do something to harm another's
    chances at having a long life on VHTV?

    Besides, even if that were true, if one "competitor" leaves, there will
    always be three more who pop up to take her place. Better to deal with
    the one you know than run the risk of having even more that you can't
    control (if that were even the case). Of course, at the rate VH is going,
    there will be three more to come along even if no one leaves, but you
    get my meaning.

    I don't think Clara would ever treat another person like that. And, she
    seems to genuinely like other women.

    If memory serves, Alice left VH because she was pregnant.


    firstly I don't claim to be anyone's magician. It was perhaps in the history of Ukraine but it remained in the middle ages. This is my personal opinion.
    Well, let me ask you a few things. (Please replace yourself with separated women from VHTV) (except Alice)
    1- If VHTV is real life, do you need to know your partner for a lesbian relationship or to be friends with her?
    2- If you are really friends with Clara, won't you even visit an old friend of yours again if you have left VHTV?

    I don't know what they do. Maybe this could be a coincidence. But Zoi was a very good friend with Clara. Where has Zoi been for a long time if he didn't leave the city? She had sex with Cleo many times. So where is Cleo now? Competition brings success. But this is for the strong.

    Clara chooses competition only with the participants, which she considers risk. Others are already leaving pre-selection. ! I.M.O. !

    Maybe Clara is not as ambitious as I thought she was. But if Clara is an ordinary woman. Why doesn't Clara visit anyone other than Tom, Stella, the bearded man, and the blonde middle-age woman?

    I still support them. Because, except for some sexual activities (funny group sex rituals), I respect the struggles and loves of life.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Bonaly said:

    Would you like to expand on your theory?I am genuinely interested.

    See past participants in this category.
    Zoi, Cleo, Alice.
    Maybe Zoi's reason for leaving VHTV might be different. But the others were wiped and gone. I think it's a kind of "poison ivy" effect.
    She's an ambitious girl. I think Clara will not want another "princess" in Odessa.
    Is this bad?
    I do not think so. Her tactic makes her successful. VHTV participants have an average of 2-3 months of home life. It is a real success to live in VHTV for 15 months except for a few sex mistakes (T*M). Without group sex.
    Why doesn't Clara talk to Kathy often? Because the frequencies are opposite and Kathy is not an easy opponent.

    "If your opponents are bad, it is always easy to defeat them." and this is a secret rule in the world of women.
    I'm almost 40 years old, and if a woman likes and appreciates the other, she is either a lesbian or a fake liking. 

    I'm not a woman enemy.. IMO

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  4. 9 hours ago, squish said:

    That's why I think the couple will survive the first month.

    I think they can stay a few more months.
    I'm guessing that sub-managers show "special" attention to them. the reason for sharing on last saturday was about them.

    I'm sure of it, even though we can't see them in the same frame.
    The only requirement: if that girl, Zoi, Alice, doesn't make Cleo's past mistakes.


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  5. 23 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Nice catch.. help to explain more from what happened.. wondering when they will visit the sub-managers for the usual "foursome" or even if they will be "invited" to have "extra-activities" with others 

    I think that man could be a relative of Stas...  they were very friendly. so friendly ... enough to allow her to patting his gf's ass.


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  6. 19 minutes ago, Clara said:

    I am also waiting for the transfer of time in our country to stop. so hard to move from summer time to winter time and vice versa.

    I hope the correct translation.

    I understood.
    Maybe you're right, but the constant summer time is forcing people and students to work.
    Most people have to start work at 8 am in the morning. And there's no sun at that hour. even students continue to sleep at school. because the students leave the house at 6-7 am to be in school at 8am.
    the better side is the late evening. but there are millions of people who have not seen the sun for two months. that makes people aggressive.
    a bad situation for a mediterranean country.

    your nails look nice. I used to criticize the time you spent on beauty and care. But I was fascinated by your determination to get up early and get ready for this morning. You reminded me of my days in the army. 😄

    It is almost impossible for a man to fully understand a woman. 

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  7. 53 minutes ago, Clara said:

    you are very observant ... I had an early manicure appointment today)

    even if i can't share as much as before, I always follow you.
    even if I criticize you sometimes, I think you are always special and number 1. 😍

    I'm surprised because I can even wake up at 7:30 in the week. (with your timezone: 6:30)
    I looked at the timeline when I couldn't see you at home that hour.

    (We are in the same time zone, but the last two years in my country has a continuous daylight saving time.)

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