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Posts posted by alt0na_O7

  1. 10 hours ago, dh2995 said:

    I understand some of what you wrote in your previous posts, but we'll have to agree to differ on some points 🙂 . As regards children, I understand your concern. But C & S are no fools and must have thought about this, at least because you mentioned this a few months ago. (But we can't know their circumstances on wanting or being able to have children, too personal a subject, I think). 

    But a few points on which I don't share your views:
    You're referring in your post and gifs to a few very short moments in a long conversation where most of the time C&D were sitting/lounging on the couch and C&S sitting on their chairs. From some gestures and words (the word "sex" came up regularly), the conversation was often about sex activities. Were C&S advising C&D on some points ? I would nearly bet on that. There was the moment when Stas took out their whip, which Chris enjoyed using a lot on Dana... There was also the short moment when Clara showed how to lick or kiss Dana's nape behind the ear then, after asking for permission, Chris's, then sat back on her chair. No other contact between Clara and Chris. Two minutes at most. Just like, a few months ago, while massaging Axel with Cleo in one of their parties, she sensually kissed Axel's back for a few seconds while Stas was fingering her. Personally I wouldn't call this giving her to tyhe use of another man. Personally.

    If making ratings and money prevailed for them, they would have exchanged partners long ago. They haven't. Their relationship matters more. Yet they enjoy sex parties with other couples. And not only for the money, IMHO, from the look on their faces. Exchanging partners doesn't only imply simple agreement inside a loving couple, it implies finding genuine pleasure together in this. Some couples are happy to do this, others wouldn't. We can notice that they stopped meeting Cleo & Axel when C&A started partying with another couple and going beyond limits C&S weren't ready to cross, for better ratings. Where are C & A now ? No use expecting swapping from C&S, I'd say. But we'll see what the future will say.

    We can't know what their future will be, but if being "optimistic" means just watching them live and love without worrying nor expecting anything else than what in my view is the beauty of their sex and happiness, whatever they do or don't do, well, then I am optimistic 🙂 Call me naive if you wish.

    Finally I agree (once more 🙂 ) with all of  @letsdothis's post. No use trying to  "help" them in their behaviours. They will do as they please, not as we wish for them or fantasize about, because their relationship will always prevail.  I personally don't feel qualified to tell them what to do, so why should I worry, however fond I may be of them  ?  My choice is just to see and enjoy what happens.

    JMHO of course 🙂 Not pressuring you to read of agree with this 😉 


    You're not naive, man. You're a real French gentleman. 🙂


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  2. 40 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    That's pretty much what I said. Nothing we can say is going to change
    the choices they make with regards to each other, their friends, family,
    or anything else they do. But, that isn't the point I was trying to make.

    What I was talking about is the amount of stress it adds to your life by
    worrying about things that you not only can't influence, but have no
    hope of ever changing. Work on the things in your life that you can
    change and leave everything else to others who can change the things
    that happen in their lives. This is just my opinion. Use it or not, as you
    see fit.

    I'm not so sure that nothing in life is unrequited. I know you've heard
    of unrequited love. That's a real thing, just as one example.

    I have no intention of changing anyone. Believe me, I am not going to stress for them. I did almost everything I wanted to do in my own life. I have everything I want.
    I always try to correct it, when I see it wrong. If I can't do that, I'll stop trying. I'm on this threshold now. it makes me happy to remember my ideas in the future.
    I did not use "unrequited" for love. I'm just against the idea of making easy money. When you're young it's easy to get money with the reason of sex. that is because it is pleasant to have sex.
    I admire Stas, he seems to be a hard worker. he doesn't earn that money easily.
    The main idea of my words: You can either lose what you have easily acquired in the future, or pay for it at a higher price. Of course, there are exceptions to this. As a child born of an Arab oil trader.
    Did you see that I wrote similar things about the other participants? I do not think because there is no. Because I love them. and I'll just watch now. because I'm tired.
    basically the purpose of writing here was to improve my English and not to forget. thank you to everyone who helped.

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  3. If my writings affect their behaviour, it's their problem. People with strong character can resist difficult conditions. Everyone has a mind and a brain. They can distinguish between good and evil. Learning life and earning life. Aren't these verbs their purpose?

    If someone gives you easy money today, you either don't want the price (which is usually your parents), or the person who gave you this money will get more from you later. Nothing is unrequited in life.

    I'm not a lawyer, I'm not a pharmacist, I'm not a psychologist. I'm not pressuring anyone to read my writings. I don't care


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  4. 1 hour ago, ipiratemedia said:


    Welcome to the disappointed club Alt0na. A few of us, been there! A person whose house is only open on the west can't see the sunrise at dawn; it's only seen when the sun sets at dusk. If one tries to compare the color and appearance of the two, one will go on arguing forever. The fault lies not with the vision but with the closed windows. If we look out of only one opening until the day we die, we will never see anything new. If we see things as It Is, we will never know what It Is... The difference in one's opinion does not imply a difference in principle. What VHTV offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten and replaced by a new dish. If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once. By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root. You're too strong of a person Alt0na, to let this linger in your mind. Joey


    You have written a beautiful and deep meaningful article. I understand that some parts cannot be translated into my language. I have a disappointment: I believe there will be no swinger in true love. But either their love is not real, or "money" is stronger than love. I'm not as optimistic as DH2995. I guess I shouldn't love them so much.

    My concern is children. even unborn children. the world is not like the old world. at least 70s, 80s. you could burn a paper photo you didn't like with fire. but nothing can be destroyed in the digital age. They may also prefer to age as a porn star in their remaining lives. but it can also be the opposite. life always surprises. I hope you understand me. adults are responsible for their decisions. but children are always affected by the decisions taken by adults and they are harmed. I can't imagine my parents had a porn movie 25 years ago.

    Now ask me: Are you crazy? Can you save the whole world? I'm not smart. I can't fix the whole world, but at least it's worth a try for that lover couple

    I know VHTV gave us cookies, not art, for money.
    My decision: I'm not looking for real love anymore, but i can find real Voyeur.

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  5. 1 hour ago, ipiratemedia said:


    I have to say, IMO. Clara and Stats have a love that is pure and honest is the most beautiful feeling in the world. To be loyal to someone is the heart's innermost desire. Someone who understands you and completes you. Someone who loves you as crazily as you love that someone! It takes someone extraordinary like you Clara to make me forget someone very special.


    Nice work. congratulations.
    I respect their love. But I don't like what they did last night. my philosophy is: if you do a job, do it exactly with everything, if you can't do it, don't start it.
    Do not say, "they are developing," "to give your lover for the use of another man" can not be developed IMO.
    Did they do this yesterday?
    They did not.
    Will they do it next week? I do not think so.
    What are their purposes? just make money.

    If they wanted to do a serious job, they would be exchanged. no one watches a movie that he knows the end with excitement again.

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  6. 46 minutes ago, alt0na_O7 said:

    Your girlfriend licked another man's chest. I don't know, you know?

    (Watching Stas' face for the first time is more exciting than watching Clara's behavior)

    everyone wrote that D & C had sex for the first time while someone else watched. But for the first time, except for an old deception, Clara had a sexual approach to another man in front of Stas. Please don't tell me this is a little game. In this girl have ability, she can be a star and needs to be liberated.




    I have not watched, because this is a RGSR* for me

    (*RGSR: ridiculous group sex ritual)


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  7. Stas,
    Your girlfriend licked another man's chest. I don't know, you know?

    (Watching Stas' face for the first time is more exciting than watching Clara's behavior)

    everyone wrote that D & C had sex for the first time while someone else watched. But for the first time, except for an old deception, Clara had a sexual approach to another man in front of Stas. Please don't tell me this is a little game. In this girl there will come, she can be a star and needs to be liberated.




    I have not watched, because this is a RGSR* for me

    (*RGSR: ridiculous group sex ritual)

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  8. 8 hours ago, dh2995 said:

    Didn't I tell you, Alt0na, that things would be back to normal within a few days ? 😁 
    Like you I guess Stas's treatment includes/included a strong pain killer, with its possible side effects. But with time... and Clara's "treatment"... 🙂 


    Yeah, you were right again.
    Although I am the boss now, I'm an old laborer. and I respect labor. Clara spends almost 3 hours of the day preparing for her man. Clara puts a lot of effort into it. this is not a criticism.

    You know Clara, she's a high libido woman. Another thing is that thousands of people are watching them here. sometimes we all think we're in Stas' place. Maybe I wanted to be the interpreter of those thousands of people's feelings.
    Simple empathy. 

    if I talk for myself;
    Can I deal with a young high libido woman like Clara? I do not think so. very easy to write here. :) 

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  9. 6 minutes ago, dh2995 said:

    Give them time, for the moment it's time for the snails. And they look happy 🙂 (I mean, C&S, not the snails 🙂 )


    even if we don't speak the same language, even if we're not in the same country, I think you're reading my mind because we love the same people. :)

    It doesn't matter when I give time them. 
    As long as they don't give my name to their babies :)
    Their life is very similar to the first years I married in the past.

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  10. 15 minutes ago, dh2995 said:

    It isn't the first time they haven't had sex for some time. It also happened when, twice, Stas had problems at work which increased his workload. Things then went back to normal again.  Stas looks good but with his work and his illness must still be tired. They talk a lot and like last times, their tenderness and playfulness help them through this. I trust things will be back to normal within a few days. Till then, I also appreciate Clara's efforts. 🙂

    you're right.
    I criticize them when they have too much sex.
    I criticize again they have less sex.
    I think I have a problem. :)
    whatever I wrote about them was not a criticism.
    I just thought about whipping stas. but I'm guessing that Stas used heavy side effect drugs. More sex is always beneficial to heal.

    This situation is more meaningful for me than ridiculous group sex rituals.
    more humane and more natural.

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  11. it is very difficult but not impossible.  have eternal love? I do not think so.

    Clara could have summoned Misty's records. Because she's so ambitious and horny. Clara couldn't have been a star if it wasn't Stas. 

    The only thing that could restrain her is her love for Stas.

    I think C & S will not be in VHTV next year. Now, VHTV is a porn and camgirl site. The average lives will not be tolerated soon.

    what is my request?
    they should get married and leave this project. because if they really have love, they shouldn't waste it here.
    if they are very enthusiastic about the job, they should build a special site and they should make a publication containing only "voyeur".
    there are many examples of this. The broadcast can often be interrupted, sometimes it may be a problem of access for days, but at least we have less chance of seeing ridiculous group sex rituals.

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