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Posts posted by alt0na_O7

  1. 2 hours ago, Just In said:

    You are correct that no one should be judging people by there look, to be honest it really ticked me off a few days ago on one of the posts that some one commented on a participant needing to go exercise ( I can't remember the wording used, something about exercising the stomach). Society needs to wake up and stop objectifing people to what they should and shouldn't look like. People can make there own choice on there own appearance and we should be accepting them for who they are rather than what we think they should be, after all the world would be very boring if everyone was built the same.



    I do not judge anyone. I do not defend anyone either. I am saddened, with the reason someone commented on that girl with cry last night and this morning.

    you can make that comment for your girlfriend, you can do for your wife. but you do not have to do anybody you do not know.

    it's like saying "you do not have legs" to a disabled person. She is also the beauty of the sensitive spot. She is already using mirrors as much as she is and she is aware of her eyes.

    Edit: We can criticize VHTV. but we do not buy the tenants of VHTV, we only buy the right to watch. politeness requires it.


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  2. I believe Clara will recover. With Stas, they will have a good time again. She looks like a unique diamond in an ordinary place like VHTV.

    For whatever reason, it is not nice to have a girl in a sensitive situation just to criticize her appearance.

    She looks "magnificent" when she dances with joy by shaking the ass.

    Some people say "what is this" when the same girl gets sick. This is "injustice".

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  3. 7 minutes ago, dh2995 said:

    Prior to these moments of peaceful rest, they went shopping and brought new lingerie for Clara





    And something that stimulated Stas’s playful mind










    Clara, whom I know, will invite guests to exhibit this new lingerie. today or tomorrow. zoi, cleo and axel. even tom and stella.

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  4. they are using that fucking machine again. VHTV will send tweet:  Clara is using a fucking machine. "FREE" ..

    I love them. but this kind of behavior smells "commercial". I will not open this old debate again and I will not watch this show tonight. I have to admit, they are doing more quality jobs than Chaturbate or similar ones.

    technology and mechanization are so much in our lives. and now now in the hot holes of Clara .. Stas should apply oil to the piston of the machine. otherwise, a spark might arise. lol ..

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