well that was .....uneventful, but it is as real life as you could possibily get considering the circumstances (cameras everywhere) but I still haven't seen the Blonde naked and the other tall one lol
There is another Lady with long black hair who speak very good English, who is she ? this other guy sure is teasing her right now... wait its a wig ? sorry
wow missed that, this used to be one of my favourite (Canadian spelling) apt. keep missing the good stuff, if anyone has pics of the 2 girls naked(sorry no pics of guys if you don't mind lol) and thank you miscvoyuer for keeping me up to date.
I guess I just haven't been lucky to catch her or the TALL brunette, it seems the buffering issues are over, the blonde has a GREAT body, just hoping on seeing it, thank you 'MISCVOYEUR' for your feedback
YUP since Anita left , there have been no Breasts or Butts to observe , so VV spent their money on sophisticated Motion detectors to pick up clothing only forms then they show it, money well spent ??? NOT (you know I'm joking hopefully)
I have never requested videos or pictures from this site or any other HOWEVER today I am making an exception. Can anyone please send me pics(naked if possible) of the 2 new girls at TULA since Antia and the other couple left I have had buffering problems and every time I'm on they are not there or fully clothed in the kitchen. Please PM me and this is much appreciated since I can't see this site staying up very much longer regrettably. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
HELP ?, There are 6 people in this apt, I know Alex and Anna, are the others university students ?, The only sex I've seen is Alex and Anna and another couple, a few days back, and they were 'teaching' this other couple but this other couple doesn't live there. If it was just for ratings, well you GUYS did an excellent job, and that's not sarcasm, this site seems to listen to its subscribers
Yes and it would be interactive, where ,1000s of watchers( well for our site...maybe 10) can tell you what to do and different positions. We will call it "The Comedy Channel" wait sorry already used.
LMAO, I feel you , no internet when I was their age, sex tape ? hell I'll make volumes of tapes, now who would watch them ????another story . Hey, maybe I will become famous for making a Sex Tape that nobody watched lol
Excellent points, this site has potential to be a gold mine, find out what the consumer wants and try to provide that service, at the least expensive rate as possible, simple economics. Lets face it , this is the 'Adult' version of "BIG BROTHER" without silly games
I enjoy your comments , humour (Canadian spelling) and wit. Keep up the work, it is due to this Forum that I even bother with VORO......VH is looking pretty good, they have better placement of cameras, and quality, and not as depressing , they actually speak to one another with their 'voices' instead of with their phone.........
I am sorry to say...YES I don't bother watching VORO anymore just get updates from you, <golfer06>, <AMY> , <rene> <russ> and <Bear> to you guys thank you, but I think we will be losing some of your comments soon, due to boredom in VORO
Can't believe what I just saw, Babysitter was going to put on another bra, so I'm thinking "great, finally get to see her breasts" nope she slid the new bra on and up and pushed old bra off at the sametime, never seen that before. I don't think I can be bothered watching the back of her head in the kitchen, and then probably have a better chance of seeing anything breasts at the Mall than in her bedroom/living room........You guys FAILED with her BIGTIME