anybody have a pic ? I don't see her that much lately, and she is not around now.....I heard her sing once ,in English, AMAZING what a beautiful voice, this Lady has many talents (I know let the jokes fly) art, singing and others (non-sexual). I don't no how to take him, I bet he is a great guy, just a little weird to me, but then I'm weird ,so we're even lol
who said ????, I'm joking, you guys are doing a fantastic job, and if it wasn't for this site I would have quit watching RLC and the other 2, VV and VH long time ago, but the format here "keeps drawing me in, they won't let me go " LOL, now I know how Pacino felt in the Godfather
who knows, maybe the right Lady is out there, we all have our soulmate and Kojak's is right around the corner. That being said ,having 3 in Dubna and 1 in Tula, well those are just not good odds lol
I think Marna is one of the sexiest natural woman here (I don't mean here as in 'here' but as in all the apts, because otherwise here would only be her , if anyone understands this please let me know......joking )
Yes they were really good together joking and talking , or actually explaining to the camera, RIGHT ON. Yes I hope then next roommate is fun loving too. I wonder if Nastya has a sister ? LOL
I lost faith in this apt, but with the last couple of days with Marna and her guy yesterday (even though he was plastered lol) and My cute blonde and her beau 3 days ago, I would say this is a comeback from Batman underwear and the famous housecoat, now that the momentum has been developed, lets get a happy friendly couple that enjoy sex.....what do you think VV ?
LOL I get it, that is funny, but by time I got here they were both sleeping in the living room ????, yet he didn't score , even under the covers ?, is that correct ?
Now I see who the 4 people will be, potential is there with the 2 sexy blondes, just hope nothing screws it up and we have many happy 4somes and no one gets coal in their stocking ....(have to stop taking so much cough syrup in the morning , and no Heavy machinery nearby, DAMN)
@golfer06 Thank you for the update, so this is like a "dating show" where they don't meet each other prior to moving iun together, then we watch to see how long before 1/ she gets naked in front of the camera and 2/ do the have sex and how long before Kojac f**ks it up lol