Thanks Jabbath, i have been member here for past 4-5 years but but i kindly dared answers here. You guys and Amy and Ashley are doing great job here and many more i don`t remeber all names, Thumps up to you guys
So Amy and all other known on this forum, how about you are you satisfied with this apartment?
Where is her dreadlocks gone, in a day?she looks much better know
OK thanks i will do it on friday..... i am on business trip right now in Asia and internet is soooooooooooooooooooooooo slow here and not have my bank ID with me
Dear Emma, you seems to be a nice girl/women - i hope you have "kind of plan" to be a part of VHTV. Vi adore your body, but untill now all we know is that you are very good at sleep, you can sleep, doesnt`matter if its couch or bed. i wish i could do that the same. but please do engage yourself to entertaing VH sucsribers . please let us know if you require any tips or suggestion like "How to do
Board meetings can be constructive and we hope this is the one. And when paper work is done so they can concentrate on some parties and invite some guests soon
Seems like that Contract is been not clear in-between Gia & Anthony, they will be drop soon or better if they should drop and give chanse to some one else.
Hi guys i have been following you guys comments for many years now, been member her since 2014 but not commented much, like most of them, you guys are keeping up things here. I finds girls like Emma very Pretty. Have a nice summer to all or what ever wheather you are living in. Just enjoy. Amy3, Ash, jabbath1987 Golfer are best( i must have forgot to mention all names so please do excuse me,)'' cheers all.