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Everything posted by Cho

  1. from urbandictionary . Translated literally it means, "it makes my dick sweat." It is a term used to say, "I couldn't care less if I tried." Dude 1: "You just spilled bong water all over the carpet, and your mom's on her way." Dude 2: "Me suda la polla, guey." 8) What do you expect from a group of Communits................All thet want is your money ! >:( >:( >:( Correction: What do you expect from a group of COMMUNISTS...............all they want is your money ! Je croyais que c'était le capitalisme qui faisait l'apologie de l'argent. Tu penses vraiment que c'est aussi une notion communiste ? I thought that only capitalism was an apologist for the money. You really think that it is also a Communist concept ?
  2. Sans doute pour se protéger des moustiques... :D
  3. Comme je l'écrivais le 08/08 je pense aussi qu'ils sont étudiants en fac de sport et je partage l'avis des espagnols. Dans ce milieu, l'hygiène est importante et le nombre de douches par jour est multiple. As I wrote on 08/08 I also think they are students in the Faculty of sport and I agree with the Spaniards. In this environment, hygiene is important and the number of showers per day is multiple. (The Web Link is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  4. Watching end of the movie. 2nd pack of Pop corn and 2nd beer tonight... She is in love, He's not. At her advances, he shows her the way to the bedroom without great desire. Second trip but nothing happens. Coming back quickly infront of TV. He prefers movie to Diana... How sad. They are a little drunk and drag their feet more than usual... ;) (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Fun of the big night has ended.
  5. Is there any post that evening ? She is looking at... (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  6. Dépêchez-vous, les payants, vous allez peut-être avoir droit à 1/4 d'heure de couverture qui bouge... si le frangin ne vient pas les perturber dans leurs ébats. Hurry up paying members, you may benefit from 1/4 of an hour of blanket that moves... If brother just doen't mess up :)
  7. Moi, j'aime pas les thons... C'est grave docteur ?
  8. Still unable to heckle with Diana without hurting... :'( Not enough limits to violence. He does not contain his gestures and is like a young lion cub seeking to assert its domination instead of play. He still has to mature, quickly if he doesn't want to lose her. She might very well choose another guy more experienced than him, that will seduce her. She has all the assets for this... (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  9. He does not know to stop when it comes to. It's not the first time he does... :-\
  10. L'heure ne correspond pas non plus. Vidéo postée avant l'heure affichée sur la vidéo. :-\ C'est pas beau de mentir...
  11. It is not your imagination. They are filthy. However, it should be noted as it was "dirty as hell" before their arrival. That said, they have not clean...
  12. (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  13. Dans ton dossier "Marta & David", se trouve une vdo de Diana et Efim et non Marta & David"... :/ (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). salut ils sortent d'ou ceux la je les ai pas sur RLC bises Réveille toi :) Ils ne sont accessibles que par un compte premium si j'ai bien compris... C'est peut-être la nouvelle politique de RLC. http://camcaps.net/marta-david/why-i-don%27t-see-this-apartment/
  14. May be I would say Caucasian ;D ;D ;D
  15. Once more you put yourself in the shoes of others to imagine their thoughts. You have YOUR opinion and we respect. Each of us holds its truth while THE truth is multiple. That's why I repeat that we must be tolerant and respect the opinion of others.
  16. Diana s'emmerde. Joue avec elle plutôt que sur le PC... Diana nudit. Hrát s ním, nikoli na PC... (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  17. Don't care our words... No relation to you. Some verbal exchanges between the "old continent" and the "new world" :D You are the best ! Red wine too :D (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  18. A lot of provocation for a fucking drink. Believe that it makes not only obese and sick. Phosphoric acid contained must also eat away the brain... About beer, wine, milk, tea and all our european crap, please, don't touch. It's good for our health. :D
  19. Curieux que cela dérange de voir un homme en action. S'il s'agissait de Sofia, ça ne dérangerait pas. J'en connais même qui seraient scotchés devant leur écran et qui inonderaient le post d'images toutes identiques... Où est donc la différence ? It's curious that it bothers to see a man in action. Whether Sofia, it wouldn't. Even, someones here would be taped to their screen and inundate the post of all identical images showing her in action... So where is the difference? :) Well unless your Gay no guy wants to see another guy whacking his pud. Immediately the allusions to gays. What a narrow-mindedness. How is this shocking to see a man jerking ? It must be a bit uptight to think that. This is not because we post an image of man we take fun. It was to complete the comment by Mertik. Finally, I am very surprised to read some people who talk about "abomination" regarding this very ordinary sexual act. I think they have to exit this site immediately for their moral backup... Don't you smell sulfur. 3:) Now, I ask a question : Only men here ? PS) I'm not gay... not at all. ;D
  20. Curieux que cela dérange de voir un homme en action. S'il s'agissait de Sofia, ça ne dérangerait pas. J'en connais même qui seraient scotchés devant leur écran et qui inonderaient le post d'images toutes identiques... Où est donc la différence ? It's curious that it bothers to see a man in action. Whether Sofia, it wouldn't. Even, someones here would be taped to their screen and inundate the post of all identical images showing her in action... So where is the difference? :)
  21. Ah bon... (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  22. Limage en règle devant un film de boules... (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  23. Un rayon de soleil éblouit nos matins. Sluneční paprsek oslňuje naši ráno. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  24. what do ya know brought up french or france again...every single message... It is to make aware to anglophones how much it is painful to be forced to undergo the "great American" who can't see everything other than through its own values. The world is vast... So, as I am french ;) isn't normal that I should refer to my language and my roots? I think that we enriche by learning the differences. This allows better understanding other people and learn tolerance. Finally, excuse me if I do not speak only about ass in english on this forum. :D
  25. Exciting Star Wars otherwise than in french for me. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
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