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Everything posted by Cho

  1. Love "Planteur" Ice 1/2 lemon juice 1/2 orange juice 1 white rum cane sugar syrup or can sugar if not syrup Mix with spoon for few seconds. Serve by retaining the ice and decorate the glass with half a slice of orange or pineapple. Natural and better than coke (only fruits and plants)... ;D Try it ! (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  2. Having a healthy lifestyle is not difficult and getting pleasure from food is easy. Just use good products, often cheaper than those of multinationals. Of course they are not prepared and need to cook a little. We find the taste that we had forgotten. I give a simple advice concerning food and drink. People are adults and choose what they do in their lives. If they want to eat McDonalds and Coca drink, that is their right but that they do not come to complain then to be obese and sick of heart... It's not hypocrisy.
  3. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  4. Selon certains épisodes récents, ça aurait même pu se terminer "sans les couilles" ;) Pas grave, Show must go on !
  5. "like a classical Greek goddess." Vous êtes aveuglés les gars ! Les déesses grecques étaient beaucoup plus enveloppées que Léora... C'est son cul de mec qui vous fait délirer. You are blinded guys! The Greek goddesses were much fatter than Leora... It's her guy's ass that makes you delirious :o Aphrodite.
  6. the small erection in the morning... She smiles... :) (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  7. good job ! (Attachment Purged)
  8. Fatiguée ce soir... So tired this evening... as the Beatles song. "I'm so tired, I don't know what to do" (Attachment Purged)
  9. Sans accent... n'exagérons pas, même si on la comprend parfaitement. Elle est sans doute douée en langue, comme le sont souvent les slaves, contrairement à nous autres latins. ;) Cela dit, si elle veut se balader aux Champs Elysées, je veux bien lui servir de guide... Without an accent... No exaggeration, although we understood her perfectly. She is probably gifted in language, as are often the Slavs, unlike us other latins. ;) That said, if she wants to walk to the Champs Elysées, I should be happy to serve as a guide... :) (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  10. Believe me, RLC's subscriber base would increase. Especially if there's a pole in her dance room. Might be a bit kinky at this point, but I assure you it would draw plenty of interest. :) Foamy >> You make the promo for RLC and you really think that we will listen to you ? You are like this great man who said : "I have a dream..." :D HMFIC >> she may cry,rant,and rave but she don't bark...and she can't lick her own butt. but YOU can lick it! :P
  11. I've only seen Adriana twice. So I'll take Leora. She's got a huge fan club here, and I think just Pepe and this little squirrel could keep her extremely happy. As long as we can keep Scooter the hell outta the way... I know she has a fan club here, that's why I like tickle it in my words, specially when I speak about "Leora the little turkey". It's her little ass wich attracts you. Be careful, pedophilia is not far ... ;D (joke for those who misanderstand :-X)
  12. http://www.unodc.org/gsh/
  13. I only agree if you forget Leora. Adriana could replace. She moves as well and never headache, never cry ;)
  14. Great argument except for the fact that it's bullshit. First, let's look at the relationship between gun laws and violence in general. The former Soviet Union's extremely stringent gun controls, successfully implemented and enforced by a police state, did not keep the nation, and successor states like Russia, from posting murder rates from 1965-1999 that far outstripped the rest of the developed world [sources: Kates and Mauser; Kessler; Pridemore; Pridemore]. The killers in question did not obtain illegal firearms -- they simply employed other weapons [source: Kleck]. Yep, they simply used other weapons! In the 1960s and early 1970s, murders committed by Soviet citizens -- again, almost entirely without guns -- equaled or surpassed the lives taken violently in the gun-saturated United States. By the early 1990s, the murder rate in Russia trebled the American rate, which had by then leveled off, then dropped significantly (more on that later) [sources: Kates and Mauser; Pridemore; Pridemore]. What, without guns they managed to treble the American murder rate, while the American rate was dropping off. On the other hand, Norway, Finland, Germany, France and Denmark, all countries with heavy gun ownership, posted low murder rates in the early 2000s compared to "gun-light" developed nations. In 2002, for example, Germany's murder rate was one-ninth that of Luxembourg, where the law prohibits civilian ownership of handguns and gun ownership is rare [source: Kates and Mauser]. So, countries with heavy gun ownership had lower murder rates! Statistics within countries paint a similar picture: Areas of higher gun ownership rates correlate with areas of lower rates of violent crime, and areas with strict gun laws correlate with areas high in violent crime [source: Malcolm]. So, more guns less crime, less guns, more crime. But how can that be possible? "Un Français a 50 fois moins de chances d’être tué par arme à feu qu’un Américain, si l’on en croit les statistiques de l’Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime. Les chiffres des homicides par arme à feu sont éloquents. Aux Etats-Unis, ils s’élevaient à 9.149 en 2011, soit 2,97 pour 100.000 habitants. En France, on dénombrait 35 cas la même année, soit 0,06 pour 100.000 habitants"... "A French 50 times less likely to be killed by gun an American, if you believe the statistics of the United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime. Homicide by firearm speak for themselves. In the United States, they were 9,149 in 2011, or 2.97 per 100,000. In France, the same year there were 35 cases, or 0.06 per 100,000"... extrait from http://frenchmorning.com/un-francais-a-50-fois-moins-de-chances-detre-tue-par-arme-a-feu-quun-americain/# No comment...
  15. The scam RLC would be even worse than we can imagine. They get a mouth watering to the frustrated visitor not to see the new apartment. Once he paid, he realizes there is nothing to see but a pigsty. It's apparent robbery. >:(
  16. Lovely girl... (Attachment Purged)
  17. pay too much for too little is not acceptable. If RLC practices low rates, there will certainly be more subscribers. But as always this capitalist society wants to make maximum money while the quality is not there. They choose... We also !
  18. And this evening, she will have a headache... :D
  19. Your picture is nice indeed ! In french we say :"Quand on a que ça à dire, on ferait mieux de fermer sa gueule" tu es qui toi ? blaireau ... Calme, calme calme Qui je suis ? Un adepte de Coluche... Tu sais ce qu'il te dit le blaireau ? Il... te salue.
  20. I don't think anyone could become gay with thoughts of Diana coming home soon. 8) They write anything and don't read what we write about what we see when they still sleep. :)
  21. How much bullshit I've read since my last post here, where I was suggesting you abandon your weapons. It is hardly believable. Wake up guys, time cowboys and Indians is over. Imagine that America is not the only country where families can be attacked and there is no more death with us than with you, even unarmed. You just remember that if we do not have weapons to defend our family (wonderful argument :FAMILY, CHILDREN, ...) deranged assailants have none either. And then ask yourself: Why do you have so much violence in the streets ? I have never seen so much misery in a modern country than in the USA opposite wealth. Pay the work a little better and you will have fewer perpetrators. So you will not need a firearm. As for lecturing to old Europe, do not forget the guys that your ancestors, for the most part come from there. Finally, you have no idea what liberalism is in Europe. You confuse with freedom and remember that modern countries have abolished the death penalty... There are other solutions than kill people. And thank you to those who have stood by my side. All is not lost PS) As nothing happens here, it was necessary to maintain the buzz... ;)
  22. Seriez-vous entrain de dire que ce dégénéré est PD ? Would you say this degenerate is gay ? ;D
  23. ;D I translated what you wrote... Did you ?
  24. You'r not completely wrong. It is true that some people think they are superior to others just because they paid for RLC. It is their right which gives them opportunities. They may benefit by this and stop to get orders ;)
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