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Everything posted by pexinou

  1. y a un code quasi invisible sur certaines images sous la forme de points (genre braille) et qui correspondent à ton ID. ca fait un peu moins de 1cm de diametre par point et ca apparait aléatoirement. Si tu es attentif, tu peux le voir par moment, c'est + visible quand l'image est en vision nocturne mais ca se voit aussi en journée, suffit d'être attentif.
  2. conspiracy theory here ! Why would they censor someting which is going to make them earn a lot of money ! Everyday you can see naked people, having sex, etc. Where is the censorship ? This appartment is way too much under maintenance, that's a fact. But censorship, I don't think so. And I don't think the girls are cutting the link when they want to "have sex" or you could see them put it down and then put it back online. And it's much easier to put someting in front of the cam to hide them. I think rlc are a bunch of guys that are only interested in money and are not very technically qualified. They dont care about the customers, when they loose 10 customers, they'll get 20 who signed-in.
  3. yesterday. It started outside and ended in the living room a guy was learning how to film.
  4. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
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