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Everything posted by wathou

  1. IMHO i think cam 15 in b2 as the cam 4 in b1 won't ever change places, they are placed so we can't see the toilet and far away so that the cams are not close to the water. i think rlc try to put the cams in the better spots, so i doubt they'd change it ^^'
  2. yes indeed :) i'm eager to see the next cast also i'm getting a bit bored with the current cast except for angelina & the twins. I miss the god damned summer parties
  3. i actually followed nicole when she went from her bedroom door to the other side of the balcony and there is at most 2-3 meters of blind spot, so they sure can smoke behind the cam but they can't have a party ^^'
  4. they are going grocery shopping, and i have to say when jessica said that she didn't brought any clothes to go out she wasn't lying she is always wearing sports clothes when she goes out
  5. i think imo that's not nicole's fault, she just doesn't wanna wake estelle up. I think it's rlc's fault we are 2017 and they didn't put a fuckin air vent in the bathroom ...
  6. told you from day 1, angel is amazing, but like i said i'm sad she doesn't have better roomates :X i'm pretty sure if she had been with the twins it would have been more fun, all 3 of them like to party ^^ But hey when comes mid feb i think it's when Danaya / jess / nicole / estelle are leaving so maybe it will get more fun :) 4 to 3 potential new girl at once :)
  7. i think the only one that have regular sleep schedul is irma, she always wakes up before 12h, but she has a busy life ^^
  8. I think all of the girls xD but angelina doesn't sleep much she often lay on her bed reading her phone, if you take nicole & estelle they spedn also a good time in their bed, and danaya too ^^'
  9. well i guess i'm gonna go to sleep too :) if anything happend at b1 or b2 feel free to post the time of the event in the timeline threads that would help me very much :) See you tomorrow guys
  10. what's the point you won't tell the difference tomorrow xD ( at least for me it's the case ^^' ) the only think i know is the one in the black top is wilder the one in the lighter top is more shy ^^' but they can swap tops so i don't waste time trying to figure who is who xD
  11. Well now that i'm paying more attention to the girls movement ( since i made the timeline). I have to say both in b1 & b2 it has been an empty day :X lots of blue :X
  12. movie night in jess's room i can take that, but i think the whole party is over b2 girls must be probably else where ;X
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