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Everything posted by wathou

  1. i hope that's true, but why jess is so disstent from him ? not sign of affection expect massage & jerky time, i didn't see any sign of affection :X i hope you are wright, because i wouldn't be in her bf's shoes ^^'
  2. Irma is cleaning that bath tub really good xD she sure has removed any potential left of rus's "litlle me" xD
  3. yhea that was before he proposed to her ( or at least if i remember, that's what kitek translated. ). I think on of the girl asked her why is she staying with him, and she told her that now that he proposed she doesn't feel like breaking up. if i remember correctly of course ^^'
  4. Back when kitek was still translating ^^' ( i think he quit that, because of all the madness that's happening right now) She told her boyfriend she was doing an translating job ... so who knows ...
  5. I hope so, when she leaves, if she is still with her boyfriend and tell him that her "translating" job went great, nothing else happend. I'm sorry for the word but she'd be a royal B**** ^^'
  6. that's what i was saying, if they already had "sex" why doesn't she wants to have "real sex" or why doesn't she kiss him, to me it's like she is doing that for some other reason than "love" or "sex" ... But i might just be going insane xD
  7. You probably right ^^' but i guess you are not premium right now, because those two looks really absurd, i don't think the camera is that much the probleme ( since rus has no probleme with them, he is naked over the cover with no probleme, they jerked each other off last night in the tub so i don't think the cam are the probleme.) IMHO i think she doesn't want to go further because of her bf at home ( who i guess she still cares about), but now if she really wanted to have a real relashionship with rus i'd think she would have broken up with her bf by now ... sor for me the only reason why she spends time with him ( massage, bath, "jerky" time, visiting barcelona with him) there must be a economical reason with that. As you probably know, I'm not a big fan of "crazy theory" but right now it is the one that makes the more sense to me ... (unfortunatly) and if you remember when jess came in the appt, she said i'm not planning on going out that often i'm just here to make money ... ( i hope i'm wrong ...) :X
  8. As much as i'd like that BB, i think jess won't do that "big" thing, because why would she invite a dude home, just for jerking each other off, taking bath, massage, ... and we ( at least i ) know that they spend a lot of time together outside of the appt. If they were 15 years i would understand, but those two are grown up adult ...
  9. good morning gentlemen :) i see jess & rus back at the "jerky jerky" time ^^' => he just tried to get down on her jess pushed him back ?
  10. No i'd like to see girls ( like the summer crew) that have fun/parties/ don't hide from the cam in the appt, and not girls that use the appts as a hotel / workplace
  11. Well i think i have my dose of mystery for today from RLC. ( irma gone for the weekend, danaya leaving then coming back then leaving again in sweater pants, nicole dropping off estelle then going out again. & the weird "teenager" play in the bathroom by jess & rus ) See you guys tommorow, for more RLC's mystery xD ps: the only 3 girls that are "normal" ( or at least, that have action that i can understand) to me right now are the twins & angelina, let's hope the other one will leave before infecting them :P
  12. Well 2 grown up adults, jerking each other in the bath, don't know about that all "normal" "real life" thing ^^'
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