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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Over all these years, and especially with Tibor being busy working - too bad Linda wasn't somewhat like Leora and doing daily teases and in-your-face intentional cam shows for her fans. Imagine if Linda had an exact daily cam routine that Leora did (before Paul). Prior to a few months ago Linda was home pretty much 24/7 so she could have earned good money like Leora probably does. And for viewers/subscribers to watch her every move - what a body to voyeur - mmmmmmmmmm. In terms of RLC - what a waste of a good body. Both RLC and Linda would have made tons of money. Missed opportunity if Linda ever did it. Obviously wasn't her thing but would have financially helped Tibor with his businesses and might of kept Linda happy and motivated to not sit around and look depressed. The certainty of them leaving is uncertain until the curtain closes on their long running VHTV stage show, whenever that will be.
  2. If the rumors or suspicions are true about Henry sniffing the cocaine then it might not end well for him. In terms of Henry's health he does everything wrong. He might be in his 30's but doesn't look a day under 60 and acts like a dirty old man. Pathetic looking and disgusting watching him behave around woman. VHTV has allowed him the opportunities to make good use of the "casting couch" and frequent sex orgies. He has had his full share of women and a few guys but it is taking it's toll on him. I could say more but compare how he is today to how he was when he first appeared on VHTV. Now compare Mira how she was the last time you saw her recently to when she first appeared on VHTV. Still pretty good but her main vice is that she is pretty much a chain smoker. Wouldn't mind watching her being a chain sucker with a steady flow of guys and compliment that with some clit licking.
  3. Just a thought, for a person who is as stunned as Paul would a stun gun (or taser) used by police work on him or be as useless as him? Can use the Lovense vibrator on Leora and the stun gun on Paul. Can get excited with Leora while busting a gut laughing at Paul.
  4. Hard to be jealous of someone that you pretty much spend 24/7 time together in the same apartment and getting blowjobs on demand.
  5. Obviously Leora would not pass as a sex trainer. She fails at trying to get Paul to up his game. Paul wants one thing only - a blowjob. He is a taker, not a giver. Leora will live her lonely life being mainly a masturbator.
  6. Camcaps Read Me with Rules - Please Read Before before Proceeding Global Rules (2) - There is to be no stalking, harassing or posting sensitive material whether that may be personal and/or professional account information of any apartment tenant Sadly I have been seeing more posting of comments related to tenant's activities outside the walls of RLC. This is so disgusting in so many ways and absolutely no need for all this to continue. It is one thing to comment about tenant's activities while appearing inside RLC apartments/houses but why are members allowed to talk about where tenant's went, who they were with and what happened while going outside somewhere. Just read about a guest/visitor/lover might have a PHD and is a microbiologist. Too much information posted and now other members want more personal stuff. Seems like the topics of discussions are more about what tenants do outside RLC rather than inside. Too much crap and trending away from camcaps rules and decorum to the point of this rule no longer being applicable. I don't give a shit what they do outside RLC so I quit following any of these apartments. RLC is a voyeur site but camcaps is now a "snoop" site for tenant's outside activities!!! Yes, social media provided by tenants is a problem but members who know or see personal/private stuff is broadcasting it here at camcaps. Obviously members are bored of being a voyeur to RLC but instead prefer to voyeur tenant's activities away from the apartments/houses. This has been oncoming for quite a while and getting worse. Might not be stalking or harassing but in my opinion it is unnecessary and getting too involved with tenant's personal/private life. INVADING THEIR PRIVACY??? With respect to all this, VHTV Forum is pretty strict with this and stopped in it's tracks immediately. If this type of shit continues then members should be able to post images of tenants outside of the RLC walls without getting the ban hammer. If you met a tenant at a beach or store and took a picture of your new friend and posted it then it should be okay because it was away from RLC. Same logic.
  7. You might have a point and could explain Paul's tent in his underwear while he slept on the couch. Leave it up to pulo to have an eye for that and grab a pic (hmmmmm). Might want to watch your backside when around pulo - .
  8. Paul has his so far up his ass that he walks like a penguin. No birds harmed in this sentence.
  9. Looks like both Mira and Henry have their panties in a knot.
  10. Actually saw the mature couple. Yes, this is different from what we are use to seeing but they are more an average normal couple. She is tall and solidly built and he is probably late 40's or 50's. Could be like your next door neighbor. They give me enough curiosity to check them out for a few days or weeks. Right off the bat they are not shy and both naked which is a big plus, in my eyes.
  11. Leora, the good little slave woman - so obedient to her master.
  12. Paul should suck, lick and taste his fingers and show us his facial expressions - mmmmmmm - 😋.
  13. I bet if Leora gaped her asshole you would probably see $$$$$ signs inside - .
  14. What, Paul playing hard to get? You dumb fuck - it is Leora, you fucking piece of shit. Go play with your helicopter and skateboard you numbskull.
  15. Paul can take Eva for a walk while I take Leora for a long walk away from RLC - 🤣.
  16. Yes, nice seeing a girl getting a facial. Certain things a woman does sure can turn a guy on. As long as it doesn't get into her eyes it would be good to see him glaze her.
  17. Do we dare "speculate" as to what gave Paul the rise or morning wood - 😈?
  18. Posted 1 minute ago I bet in his sleep he still wouldn't know what to do with it. Fuck, if Leora saw that she should jump him and take it when the gettin's good. I am sure Paul wouldn't refuse another surprise blowjob. It actually might help him to clue in on how to excite always horny Leora. I am also sure Leora would not pass up a good stiffy - .
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