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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Society nowadays is full of low lifers, lazy asses that don't want to work but live on government money that us taxpayers provide, the new "can't work" excuse is anxiety (WTF!!!), catch and release criminals, intentional homeless assholes, druggies and crooked/abusive/spoiled rich bastards that take advantage of loopholes and individuals. People in power or leaders in society that are caught doing wrong should be made an example with life time jail terms are even put to death for seriously harming others. Too much leniency, sympathy and disregard for the pain to innocent victims. It is too bad but we are stuck with this and continue to head in a downward spiral. No more being tough - only coddle someone which involves pampering them, baby them, spoon feed them and waiting on them hand and foot. Parents of these assholes are at fault for raising misfits and dumb fucks. Make the parents liable either financially or throw them in jail too for directly or indirectly being an "accomplice" or contributor.
  2. Some members put in requests in hopes that Leora reads these comments and maybe, in time, do the deed. Getting fucked in the ass by Paul with his cum oozing out is one constant request. Well, how about Leora standing in the tub before showering and letting a nice long stream of pee flow from her peehole. She should stand close facing the cam, spread her legs, then spread her pussy lips with her fingers so her peehole is visible and then piss away. Wouldn't that be a sight to see especially from everyone's doll, Leora. I am sure some members would love it. Maybe some day when Paul is in the tub washing she could walk in and piss all over him. If Paul is willing, I am sure Leora would be glad to pee on him while giving her adoring fans an amazing new treat.
  3. Hear! Hear! Totally agree - both PET and JT are a total disgrace for Canada. The average law abiding citizen gets walked over, taxed to the hilt and blamed for not having sympathy for drug addicts, criminals or other misfits that won't follow normal respectful rules. Canadian society is so fucked up now due to inept politicians, corrupt people and bleeding hearts. Don't even go there about "Equal Fucking Rights"!!!
  4. Over the years she has been a great addiction. We have watched her progress, somewhat mature, age and gradually become a full time 24/7 exhibitionist. Leora is in need of and dependent of her loyal horny appreciative fans for her sexual excitement. Sometimes I wonder if her sex with Paul is for themselves or for her fans or more than likely to satisfy each other while giving her viewers the added "performances". Wonder if Leora could have sex with Paul or even masturbate without the cams? I think she is addicted to the cams for the attention and orgasmic experiences. Can she, in the future, break this dependency? Gotta admit - no one, and I I mean no one has come close to being like Leora. Yes, Leora is pretentious which means attempting to impress by affecting greater importance/talent or by presenting an excessive outward display of herself when in front of the cams. It is like being a "performance artist" in which she acts, dresses certain ways, shakes her booty, makes facial expressions when masturbating or having sex with Paul (similar to what Masha does with her big "O" mouth open to exaggerate the enjoyment of an eventual orgasm). For Leora, it has been a "cam life" over all these years which has been her job with all the benefits. Very few, if any, RLC female participants has the overall package that Leora possesses. She has the beauty, the appetizing body, does daily teasing/nudity/masturbation/sex for her cam viewers and basically home 24/7 other than for walks, shopping or some other short outings. Every day you can count on Leora for something even if it repetitious. Fuck man, she is so watchable and easy on the eyes. With Leora she is slow to add more to her routine but the anticipation of something new or different keeps us hoping and watching. The intentional tease or gradual built up is Leora's trademark which keeps the subscribers hooked. No other RLC female tenant is predictable but giving of herself on a daily basis. Sure Leora has faults that we tend to overlook because she is so adorable and yummy. I have also bad mouthed her over the years (mainly because of her repetitious masturbation routines or phony sexy body shaking moves) but I would have no problem using my mouth on her. Body wise, I like her more now with the curves than when she was young and skinny.
  5. He sure doesn't show it. How many hours (or is it more like minutes) a day does he actually "appears to be working"?
  6. Sure says a lot about Paul - which ain't good. Most of the time I think Leora prefers to be alone to properly do her exhibition masturbation shows for her true loves (her loyal fans).
  7. I have faith that Henry will fuck it up. Henry wants to fuck all women and any guy willing to spend some man-to-man quality time together. Mira has to go with the flow because she has been okay with it since the start and Henry will always be a gropping pig.
  8. Leora better watch herself. Paul is starting to get more attention, more comments and perhaps more admirers which might conflict with Leora's need to have ALL the attention, I think Leora should up her game with increased "wild, dirty and extreme" exhibitionist style performances of teasing, nudity, masturbation and sex with Paul.
  9. Honestly, I believe that Leora has realized how much Paul moving in has sabotaged her ability to constantly please her followers and has really limited her chances of being the exhibitionist that she loves to be. I think she has so much built up inside that, if someday soon, Paull goes out by himself for hours then she would put on an amazing memorable show. Sure she enjoys her "Paul time" but she is an insatiable horny girl that needs her daily "fixes" in front of the cams which involves teasing, nudity and sex. She wants it all - Paul and being a full time exhibitionist. If, like some say, Leora wants a life with Paul then why are they still with RLC? It can't be just about a free apartment and money. Leora wants RLC and the voyeur cams badly for her personal sexual enjoyment too.
  10. Leora will clean up the mess he made and then give Paul a cum swallowing blowjob. Life ain't fair.
  11. When you do nothing, it gets boring which in turn does actually make you feel tired so you take short naps or long sleeps. Being lazy is unhealthy, makes you less energetic to do things, makes you fragile to your environment and susceptible to getting sick often or to the point of pretending to be sick to give yourself an excuse of why you do nothing or very little and also makes someone feel sympathy for you and might pamper you even more. As a result your life is one vicious circle of sleep, eat, shit, do 30 minutes of low energy work/sex and repeat every day. Sound familiar.
  12. So, I guess sloppy seconds is definitely out of the question for you?
  13. WOW!!! Surprised that countries like United States and Canada that put up with increasing gun violence and deaths won't allow a much tamer business such as voyeur cam sites. Too much violence promoted on TV, movies and video games. I am all for naked women and "peace and love".
  14. Don't think Paul has anymore to give. I think he is tapped out or at his limit of what he can do in terms of sex. I think, for him, sex is a necessary evil. Maybe the RLC cams are holding him back. He generally looks disinterested in sex and way too timid or lacks any type of emotion. Paul doesn't appear to have a horny bone in his body. He probably doesn't fantasize about Leora or women. Ever see him walk around with a bulge in his sleepwear or pants? Leora can suck the cum out of Paul but she needs to suck more sexual energy and adventure out of him for her own enjoyment and orgasms.
  15. If Paul would up his game (referring to his sexual performance which includes foreplay, being sexually aggressive and spend some after sex time with Leora) it would definitely make it easier to accept Paul. Leora is a frustrated woman who is constantly in heat and should be properly and effectively cooled down with optimum sex activities. Imagine if Paul would greatly give Leora all the amazing sex she needs then more than likely she would spoil Paul even more. How about it Paul? Paul, it is time for you to bash the bishop in front of Leora. Next time you walk into the bathroom while Leora is showering I dare you to jerk off right in front of her and watch her reaction. You both might get lucky right then there. Simple foreplay with some hard cock play.
  16. Probably a bad mistake on her part. Fuck, I watch porn every day, and at my age, I get more hornier by the day. Leora must of got jealous that Paul would look and get excited at other women instead of her (probably correct since Paul was intermittent between sex activities). Porn can be a great teaching tool but can get couples "in the mood". Communication about sex needs is a must for both to cum together. Once Paul blows his load - game over. Leora needs to explode at the hands or cock of Paul even if Paul has to wait his turn until Leora lets all of her pussy juices flow.
  17. Well said. Both Leora and Paul have sex issues. They manage to get to first base (surprisingly) but can't seem to get to second or third base so getting to home plate will obviously take forever. Like I said in an earlier post " I don't think Paul has ever masturbated". Fuck the soft porn. They both need to sit together and watch lesbian porn, gay porn, bisexual porn, women squirting videos and extreme porn so both can get a full understanding of what sex is and what might excite each other. Leora has a lot to learn and do while Paul has to get off of page one FFS!!!. Maybe, just maybe, Leora should buy Paul some Viagra so Paul can enjoy walking around with a hard curved sticky for hours and hopefully stick it to Leora in all three (3) holes. Problem is, will Paul get horny enough to stroke the boner and then ravage Leora? Just trying to help this couple experiment and thoroughly enjoy sex more. Not sure if a MFF threesome or MMF threesome or MMFF foursome would help. I am sure an extra guy or girl would excite Leora but what about Paul (???).
  18. Perfect diagnosis of Paul being clueless and with a stunned expression on his face afterwards. He is quick to go and wash up the dirty deed as if to say "my job is done here". For Paul, I think sex is work and uses up a lot of his energy. I bet if Leora told Paul " I am going to lay here naked on the bed and you can do whatever you want to me" he would just stand there dumbfounded and then cover Leora with a blanket and walk away to play with his helicopter or look like he is doing something on his "work" computer.
  19. I find it rather funny and quite protectionist of VHTV subscribers to quietly not mention the "r---" word in discussing the reason why some realms are temporarily offline (names disappeared). Sure like to be hush hush when something bad and disgusting happens within VHTV. Pathetic site that condones bad criminal behavior especially when police are involved.
  20. Not sure about sabotaging Leora's money making ability. He must get jealous of Leora's constant attention from viewers and maybe when Leora is there he might feel that she should surround him all the time. Paul comes across as insecure, lonely and in need of his blanky, teddy bare or favorite toy which is Leora. Does he fear losing Leora? In time, I am sure we will see more and perhaps get a better understanding of why Paul reacts the way he does.
  21. Here's a shot in the dark. Maybe Paul is realizing that his "work from home call center job" is not panning out or making much money compared to Leora so maybe he is curious and trying to learn why Leora has a big following and earning big money besides the free rent and utilities. Perhaps Paul might attempt to replicate Leora and start "masturbation shows" for any female subscribers or men that want to watch Paul jerk off and blow his cumload. Maybe RLC will compensate him for possibly increasing subscribers and allowing RLC to expand their repertoire of "new performances". Can you imagine watching Paul stroke his manhood in full view of the cams and if he positions his wide open ass directly to the cams for any "cock and ass" starved viewers? Ok, I just made this up - ain't gonna happen, we hope - lol. Don't try to figure out why Paul peeks in as if spying on Leora other than because he is boring as hell and why he paces around and follows Leora. Maybe he should keep himself company by masturbating (don't think he even knows how). Maybe it will increase his sex drive from neutral to first gear. Currently, the term "horny" would never apply to Paul.
  22. I think he tries to interrupt her if she tries to bate for her fans. Paul IS a control freak and he must be slowly building up inside for an aggressive episode again. Watch it Leora - Paul might lose it on you and choke you or scare you enough to make you cry again.
  23. Agree. Lights kept on because she is an exhibitionist while she sleeps and loves the attention and helps keep the viewers happy.
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