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Everything posted by bioterror

  1. At least you occasionally SEE Sofia & Roman, these people might as well not even live here. I understand that they're supposed to live their everyday lives in these apartments just as you would without the cameras, so maybe they are just a really busy couple. That said, why would RLC allow them to move in? Hell, they don't even have a dog or cat to watch run around. Somehow I missed the part where it states that these people are here for our own personal pleasure. There is nothing in the RL agreement/contract that states these people must entertain you. Of all the free porn site and web cam sites existing among the never ending world wide web, you people really can not find something to rub your shit raw too? These people do not live their lives to your command. And I doubt they really give 2 fucks that you "perfect" assholes think they are not attractive. Truth is, your hateful comments make you some of the ugliest bitches I have ever seen. If you think that it is just fine insulting these people they way some of you do, then point me out to your parent because they both deserve to be kicked in their non functioning nut. I can not imagine the lives that some of you have if it consist of coming on a public forum to talk shit about people you have no control over. Get over it, move on and go to some ridiculous website that allows for the immorality of women. Somehow I missed the part where it states that we can't give your opinion with out some idiot make reference about porn. I wonder who is the one need to move on here. I think your obsession misdirect you My obsession? Really? You are the dumb ass posting about them winning a boring contest but i am obsessing? Seems to me that you are the one with delusional tendencies. I can see your level of education. "they really give 2 fucks that you "perfect" assholes think they are not attractive" "your hateful comments make you some of the ugliest bitches" "both deserve to be kicked in their non functioning nut" I rest my case, Can't,wont deal with people using F word, B word in a conversation because they do not know better. The keyword of the end is EDUCATION.
  2. At least you occasionally SEE Sofia & Roman, these people might as well not even live here. I understand that they're supposed to live their everyday lives in these apartments just as you would without the cameras, so maybe they are just a really busy couple. That said, why would RLC allow them to move in? Hell, they don't even have a dog or cat to watch run around. Somehow I missed the part where it states that these people are here for our own personal pleasure. There is nothing in the RL agreement/contract that states these people must entertain you. Of all the free porn site and web cam sites existing among the never ending world wide web, you people really can not find something to rub your shit raw too? These people do not live their lives to your command. And I doubt they really give 2 fucks that you "perfect" assholes think they are not attractive. Truth is, your hateful comments make you some of the ugliest bitches I have ever seen. If you think that it is just fine insulting these people they way some of you do, then point me out to your parent because they both deserve to be kicked in their non functioning nut. I can not imagine the lives that some of you have if it consist of coming on a public forum to talk shit about people you have no control over. Get over it, move on and go to some ridiculous website that allows for the immorality of women. Somehow I missed the part where it states that we can't give your opinion with out some idiot make reference about porn. I wonder who is the one need to move on here. I think your obsession misdirect you
  3. Well they really do something together is good for them . I love watch the fatso dog moving about 2 feet and lay down on the other side of the sofa, also when the kitten's jump next him he look like annoying by them because now he need to move down. ;D. Lucky him as soon the project finish, the kitten's may go play with there new toy. By the way where is the puppy I did not saw him in few day ?
  4. This couple win the boring contest, I was thinking Sofia & Roman was boring and it was not possible to find worse, ho boy i was wrong.
  5. I am looking the living-room and saw some pvc pipe with some wood put together. What is the world are doing with this.
  6. How in hell you know they live in Krasnojarsk. There are many old threds where is discussed about that. It has been shown that all 3 first homes are in Krasnoyarsk, probably even in the same building, or at least close to each other. Evidential has been used, for example, the phone numbers in pizza box and a telephone installer suit, etc. Whaaaa I never thinking about looking at the number on the pizza box, good job for find detail. Off course I am not a subscriber on RLC so the view is limited for me and because I have a life outside of my computer I missing a lot on what is going on. Lucky me I found this forum and know i learn a little bit more about this peoples. Thanks, gipfler
  7. How in hell you know they live in Krasnojarsk.
  8. I was thinking the same they are living in the bedroom most of the time. Saw them in the kitchen just for a minute and gone again. :(
  9. Holly Molly cow, are we in the topic of Lucas and Veronica or the fight club of the language topic. All the comment here have nothing to do with the real topic. I am new here and just by reading your comment I think is ridiculous how people acting. can we get back on the topic Lucas and Veronica . Thanks.
  10. whaaa the mother of this couple do a big cleaning on the apartment. The couple before them let the place dirty ! I never saw if someone was here before .
  11. Too bad they are back already. Nut i do not see the little dog house by the sofa. Maybe till i little hope they will be gone. ;D
  12. it's your connection man, this suck for me . Thanks anyway.
  13. It is my connection or veronica & Lucas camera lag a little .
  14. They live around or in Barcelona. Last time they have a big storm and i checked on the weather and found the only storm with heavy lightning was above Barcelona.
  15. I do not have all the camera view but since few day Anton is not in the picture anymore. Question do Alina kill because she was tired to watch playing games on the computer or is going to fight with the Russian army in Ukraine. ???
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