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Everything posted by kzsjzkdjs

  1. You didn't understand, he creates new thread to talk about something that could happened (About what he believes to see from the free cam) but every time nothing happened.
  2. It should be forbidden to create new thread when you have only access to the free cam on RLC ...........
  3. thanks for the information I was sure it was Nora on the picture ;D In all honesty how could this have been Nora? The room is not one we have seen before and no apartment that she has been in has cameras that good. I was sarcastic, I saw it was a pornstar.
  4. thanks for the information I was sure it was Nora on the picture ;D
  5. they are absolutely not obliged to show their body if they don't want.
  6. ESTA RUBIA no ha estado en este apartamento en la vida , es la 1º vez , que yo recuerde . meando si se la ha visto estaba la cortina de la ducha hacia un lado , se ha podido ver muy bien. it's not the first time she came in the appartment, she came during the last weekend.
  7. please stop with your post. there is a like button to say you like the picture.
  8. it's a good performance when you think sometimes he doesn't last more than 2 minutes.
  9. there is no picture of nika it's sofie who is nude in the bedroom it's an old pic.
  10. And it's time to replace alina/anton, maya/stepan and diana/efim. It's been too long they are on RLC. Not for leora and Paul because they just changed of appartment.
  11. I really would like to see nora and kiko moving out, it was interristing to see them at the beginning but now they are too borring.
  12. No. They already went before and nothing happened
  13. not more than on the couch in the living room or in the bathroom.
  14. Mais qu'est-ce qu'elles se font chier, les pauvres !!!!! Elles bouffent, et font de la pseudo-gym. Jamais un livre. Jamais un amant qui les attrape sur le canapé. jamais une rigolade entre elles !!!!! SORTEZ LES !!!!!!! Just another useless post tonpied ...
  15. enjoy the next 2 weeks with alisa after it will be over.
  16. it's true that the best way to keep this secret is to put this on CC. You will not stay very long on CC and RLC.
  17. Is it really necessary to write all they are doing on this thread ?
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