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Posts posted by mic351

  1. I did not see the post in which the poster apologized for posting the comment re. perverse voyeurs and cams.  If this was a fake post, I sincerely apologize for propagating a false statement.  Could the reader(s) please refer me to the post where the apology is made?  I have hunted for it and could not find same. 

    That being said,I stand by rest of my post.  The site is a voyeuristic site and necessarily calls for a bit of exhibitionism if you will. It is advertised as same and for $45 a month,the viewers should expect and should receive same.  Moreover, why should I drop the site because I am unhappy with the actions of two girls. If I buy a car and the visor light does not work, should I return the whole car or should I ask for a repair?  Your statement reminds me of an old, tired Tea Party quote spewed out when someone complains about our government here in the US.  If'n ya don't like it leave!"  Absolutes seldom address or correct a problem.

  2.     Obviously these girls know what they are getting into when they sign up for the apartment.  Recently, one of the girls in this apartment was heard stating how she hated the perverse voyeurs and the cams.  It is my opinion that if they hate the voyeurs they ought not to be in the apartment.  If you go to your local  strip club and one of the prettiest dancers  announces how much she hates the perverse voyeurs in here; she would quickly be sacked!

        I mean, everyone watching and paying to watch these ladies is a voyeur or has some voyeuristic tendencies. If the ladies cannot or will cater to that demand or at least not try to subvert the view, I'm sure they can find other accommodations that are more suited to their modest feelings.

        Furthermore, I could really care less if they are moving on in 30 days, 60 days, or 2 weeks, the site advertises viewing in real life and to deliberately hide from the cams or sneer at the cams and then hide is not real life.  At least not in my country or in my neighborhood. If I wanted to be rejected or dismissed as a pervert, I'm sure I could have that done for free and not $45 a month. 

  3. with these $%$#@@# smart phones.  Almost every lady in this site is on these dam things constantly.  It is written into their contract that they have to be texting at least 12 hours a day?  Dam!  I mean I know I have nothing else constructive to do with my  life but give me a break!  Even I communicate on more levels.  these girls absolutely live on these dam phones!  End of rant....

  4. It seems to me that if Rita hates the "perverse voyeurs" so much; she should find another place to live.  After all, I'm sure they are told of the cameras before they move in.  I'm also pretty sure they live in these apartments for free.  If she doesn't like the arraignment, she should make like a bread truck and "haul buns" out of there.

  5. I noticed that Leora has been going out lately.  Inasmuch as I don't understand the language, can anyone tell me if she may be stepping out on Paul.  I am watching right now and it is 4:00 am and no Leora.  Moreover, Paul looks sad and on the couch waiting.  Anybody out there no what's going on?  Perhaps an educated guess from a veteran more familiar with this couple than me. 

  6.     I am a premium member and have been for a while now.  I am seriously questioning myself in continuing to be a premium member.  I have more sex than the three apartments combined and I am 64 years old!  That being said, I find the sessions between Nora and Kiko to be extremely erotic.  It seems as if Carina and Sabrina can't get it on until after they fight.  And I'm not sure what to make of Suzan and Hector. They are just plain weird...

        Yes, I paid for an adult site and to watch some good old fashion sex.  I didn't pay for beauty queens or porn queens.  Conversely, I did not pay to watch people play on their phones all day or hide from the  cams.  I think there has to be a happy medium in here someplace.  I also think if enough complain to RLC; they'll do something about it.  Remember the covered cams?  Enough of us complained and changes were made.  Just my two cents.  End of rant

  7. The cams in this apartment are terrible! They are lagging right now like you would not believe.  Moreover, in cam one and two Alina & Anton are on the sofa in the living room while on cam 5  Anton is taking a shower.  In other words, if you are to believe this set, Anton is in two places at the same time.  Either RLC is showing a cached copy in which case it is not live, or their servers/cams are really f&%ked up!

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