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Posts posted by Franklyn

  1. I really like Kira and don't have anything good to say about Nina, but I do agree with some here that if Nina continues to do this crap with other females and Kira doesn't like it, well, it may be time for Kira to think about an exit strategy. Personally I think she deserves a lot better than "The Nina Show". These two do pretty good together until Nina gets her "guests" involved. Oh well.  As always, best of luck to Kira.

  2. I want to apologize for this thread. I was incredibly frustrated by the behavior of the girls at that particular moment. Nina was being very selfish with Kira and it upset me watching her virtually play dead whilst Kira attempted to make love.

    Not moving an inch seemed a very unpleasant way to discourage Kira. I was angry at Nina for Kira.

    I like to think i am mature enough to understand love making whether between males or between females or between males and females.

    I accept men feel they are in a race to the end and often don't care who they crash into on the way! Simply arrive at the end and don't care if their partner has enjoyed the journey!

    I do wonder though if F/F lovemaking is actually on the same journey but simply taking a longer time to get there!!

    I really do admire the Russian lesbian girls. Having seen a documentary explaining the level of abuse they suffer in their society I am in awe of their courage to get involved with RLC. They seem to be a really loving couple and I really wish them well.

    It does interest me as to why Nina almost always takes the passive role and almost never attempts to share the pleasure with Kira. Kira of course enjoys being the dominant one so perhaps they have worked out what pleases each of them.

    In the Cabrina and  Sabrina house Curly acts in the same way as Nina. She takes but very rarely gives. Both situations suggest the same type of lovemaking. Not very spiritual but very orientated towards orgasm. Once achieved there might be a little more after sex cuddling but essentially they move quickly onto the next thing in their lives be it sleep or the morning shower!!!

    By the way most young men will wake up with a morning glory! If the wife/partner is willing to 'relieve' the tension then the guy will take the climax and move on with his day!!! You obviously love your man and are happy to please him. Good for you! I assume you get him to make love to you when more time is available and that you get the love and affection to go with the sex.

    So after a long post i want you to know i am not an immature young guy but a thoughtful 'Van the man'.

    Wow. A male who likes females yet isn't a female and  has a problem not understanding to females and the way they are? What a surprise. haha. They don't need approval nor do they care what we think for the most part. They are lesbians and love each other (well one does) as much as you with some fem, or whatever you're into. I treat these two as any other couple on RLC. I only got angry when they were failing.  What do we know about what they go through daily? Easy to judge from behind a computer. Kira ALWaYS deserves more in my opinion - I just wish these two were more equal yet they are not. Nina is the show - it's her world.  Kira will leave when she finds someone who saves her and convinces her that Nina is bad for her. :) Knowing the way Kira is and looks, shouldn't take long thankfully. Nina is fake as fk....right down to her stupid Elvira hair. Sorry about the rant. BTW Lesbian sex isn't for heteros bro so the fact that you think it's boring, means nothing. 

  3. Nina is the one that is fake. I mean fake extensions in her hair. Kira is the sweet tall slender fem...cute and wonderful. :) For those that think I am harsh towards Nina, umm have you seen the way she treats Kira? She loves herself no doubt. Kira putting the little stuffed animal on the laptop earlier made me smile . She rocks. :)

  4. I never looked at this link. Now I have. Me wanting to be with Kira? I think we all do. I first started when i randomly watched them, I saw Nina and had that TATU crush on her... but then I started watching them. Fk. Listen, they are both amazing gals in one way or another... but KIRA ... to me, from what I have seen, she believes in relationships, simple things which mean alot - like her notes always to Nina ... I never ever see Nina writing notes to Kira. I know they know each other better than i know them... Kira knows NIna.. but one thing... since the other two have not been around, these two seem solid. I knew it.. so do i want Kira? we all do. :)  but nina is pretty cool at times, but she's too much for me...watch her feet shake and she smokes. KIRA does NOT smoke :)

    Edit: By the way, there is nothing wrong with smoking if you accept what it does to you.  I drink and used to smoke sometimes, so I am no Saint. Just clarifying. I hope these two make it.

  5. Why are there pillow stacked ... or do i want to know? I sense....guests.... coming...

    the apartment is hounted...poltergeiest always strack pillow, chairs like that....ha ha ha ;D ;D

    Kira stacked them she was behind them and tried not to let herself be seen on cam either from the kitchen or living room

    Hmm I think Kira is getting pretty good at hiding... I have not seen her around. 

  6. The two girls... whatever their names be definitely are an impact on Kira and Nina . How much? I don't know. Should I blame those two girls for what happened recently when they were around? I don't know. I HOPE they are good females and give Kira and Nina time. Do I like the two girls joan jett and Mila Kunis? YES i do - they are fun and I think they work well with Nina and Kira t times- but too much? Nina and Jett - worries me - Lately I see Nina singing on piano ... Kira playing Chess ...all without the others. I don't know. These beautiful women but I really pray they stay together - their friends are clinging onto them but is that wrong? NO. I need to shut up and pray they all can handle it.

  7. It's really great to see Kira and Nina doing so much better. There is a lot more contact between them now then there was before, which is always a good sign.  Also, I can pretty much gauge how they are doing just by the look on Kiras face and lately, she has been smiling and laughing a lot! :) Oh, to WMAX, how did you figure out that their friends names were Ira and Anya? Which one is which? I would rather call them by those names then Mila Kunis and Joan Jett.  ;) But no matter what their names are, I am a bit thankful to see that they have not been around as much lately because, as I have said before, Kira and Nina seem to do a lot better when they are not around so much and have a little time for themselves. 

  8. They have looked great lately, for the most part... I worry when I see the other two near ...the Joan Jett looking one definitely is a problem but her g/f is sweet and fine. I keep wanting to figure out this group, but I am trying to lay off of them. It seems Nina is trying, I guess. She was on her keyboard earlier - she has a great voice - that was great. Kira seems to be ok, the other night watching Jett and Nina go to the store alone without her - hmm bothered me but if she can handle it , I can. I don't see Nina leaving Kira in the least. I believe that even though that Nina may take Kira for granted, she won't leave her. Like i said before, it's all a matter of what Kira can take. I love when all four of these gals have fun and no one is hurt. :) And is it just me or do they have the coolest cats? I watched that Mila kunis girl play fetch with the one cat hehe soo funny! Of course I could watch that other new couple - she was ironing his underwear .... WTF.

    The only time you iron your underwear is when you expect someone to see you in your underwear.

    haha Well, when it gets down to underwear, it's coming off unless you're some vane freak of nature who gives a rats ass about how it looks when worn or some model. This guy, is no model - but he's surely a freak if he has her IRON his underwear and she was really odd about it. LOL  Hey! Whatever floats your boat I guess. ;) 
  9. They have looked great lately, for the most part... I worry when I see the other two near ...the Joan Jett looking one definitely is a problem but her g/f is sweet and fine. I keep wanting to figure out this group, but I am trying to lay off of them. It seems Nina is trying, I guess. She was on her keyboard earlier - she has a great voice - that was great. Kira seems to be ok, the other night watching Jett and Nina go to the store alone without her - hmm bothered me but if she can handle it , I can. I don't see Nina leaving Kira in the least. I believe that even though that Nina may take Kira for granted, she won't leave her. Like i said before, it's all a matter of what Kira can take. I love when all four of these gals have fun and no one is hurt. :) And is it just me or do they have the coolest cats? I watched that Mila kunis girl play fetch with the one cat hehe soo funny! Of course I could watch that other new couple - she was ironing his underwear .... WTF.

  10. Ok, this is the first vid I have ever posted here, so I pray that I do it right. I used DirtyBin, so I have the link. The video is of Nina slurping up the worm and it looked cute with Kira so I thought I would post it. :)

    (The Video Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).

    Note: I did preview just now and I think it worked. Cute small vid. It's my test run at uploading video. Next i'll take a try at screenshots ...one day.  Thanks to all of you who post videos and screenshots a lot. I appreciate the effort always.  Oh one thing when I captured it I had my "video sharpening on" due to playing another video prior that was dull so it looks a little pixelated. I will turn it off next time. sorry!

  11. They looked pretty good tonight! I know Kira was really trying hard as always to make things work. Nina is always so wound up like a ticking time bomb, but seemed like she was able to relax a little bit from her normal wound up self which was great. Not having the other two "guests" around, in my opinion, gives these two time to mend. Sadly, I doubt it will last since it's only Friday night, but I will keep my fingers cross that this is a sign of Kira and Nina getting back to what's important.  I had to laugh when Nina took forever to slurp up the gummy worm in her mouth.. haha! Cute! and Kira definitely deserves a little cute for a change from Nina. Like her shirt says , "Chill out!"  The flowers, to me, looked like lavender or lilac flowers. Really sweet.  :) 

  12.   FK. Sadly I knew this was coming long ago. Unfortunately there is no happy ending in sight in my opinion- but I am not saying one can not happen. But does anyone really think that the almighty Nina will back down and start to care again about Kira like she should and stop screwing around with other females? Listen, what this is, is a matter of "How much can Kira take?". It's heartbreaking to watch a good person get abused verbally and emotionally. I am thankful that Nina has not hit Kira. If that ever happened, I pray Kira would leave and I know if I saw it that I would definitely report it. With problems in a relationship, it would normally just take time to get over something like this, but that is impossible since Nina keeps wanting to screw around with others before the healing process has even begun. All Kira can do right now is breathe... stay calm and have a plan B.

  13. well. like i said maybe i am not watching long enough.

    But in the weeks before the incident with the cute houseguest they looked pretty happy and Kira was not sad all the time. they had a lot of fun and joyful sex  ;D

    i just think there ist a lot of (over)interpretation here, from people who don't even speak their language. Facial expressions and some actions may not as easy to understand.

    but from a voyeurs standpoint i think it's probably half the fun to chat about what they might think, do and want...

    You're right. You haven't been around enough.

  14. Hey - you say they decide what they want and we all do - I agree. But Kira looking down being sad constantly is her choice? You really think that? That KIRA wants NINA to treat her like shit? I don't think so. You're mistaken. She wants equality between them , I can feel it but Nina wants CONTROL. Kira should run back home and start again. FK this place and let Nina fk whomever she wants on her own. Lets see how that goes. NINA KNOWS we are all watching and plays the show all the time for us. We'll see. Kira deserves someone who actually cares about her.

  15. For now, the trouble seems to be over. Either they worked it out or we have misinterpreted some events. The body language was relaxed and friendly. They hugged each other before going to bed. Yes, that's good.

    I saw Kira make her dinner, tea, try to get attention and got NONE at all. When she put the little stuffed duck on Ninas laptop trying to get a little attention and was SHUT DOWN completely, that was mean. Nina would rather look at her little laptop as Kira bent over backwards for her as usual. Kira went to bed sad and Nina did her dirty work online to who knows who and on her phone as well. I can barely watch these two anymore because I am sickened by the abuse to Kira. I keep my fingers crossed for K. Hugs.

  16. Well.. just now they look good together and are in some sort of harmony. They look good. I hope they make it... no damage. I have to realize that maybe Kira likes her in charge and it's ok for her. Some do. I'm not 12, I understand that we all like different things. Come on Kira and Nina, stay cool. 

  17. Absolutely nothing has changed with these two. As long as Kira stays with Nina, she will always be kissing Ninas feet and it shows. This is NOT an equal relationship at all. This is "Nina is queen" and Kira is servant which is no type of relationship to be in for Kira if you ask me. The day that Kira finds someone that doesn't treat her like crap, is the day that she leaves Nina. Sadly, I look forward to that day. Seriously, Nina having Kira take off her shoes was on purpose for us watchers to see that she was still in charge. She did it for us where all cameras could see. Disturbing. The more I see, the less I can bare to watch as Kira goes through this.  Sigh... 

  18. As soon as I  saw Nina come home with those two problem starters, I knew it was going to be trouble. Especially with Nina goofing around drinking and acting like she had no cares in the world. Earlier, Kira had come back alone with some books and left a cute note (she smiled after writing it) and left it on the kitchen table for Nina. Nina didn't even bother to notice and of course when Kira walked in the door and saw them all on the couch again, it understandably made her upset. She most likely wanted a quiet evening alone with Nina.  The fact that when Kira was putting on her shoes to leave and they started arguing, the Mila Kunis looking girl was on the couch giggling about it to her buddy- that really was a shame to see. It was good to see that Kira fought back finally and didn't let Nina step all over her like she usually does. This is all far from over....

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