Here's how it works, kids:
If someone posts pictures or videos on some 3rd Party File Services like PostImage or ImageTwist, then RLC will contact that service and issue a DMCA (digital media copyright agreement) TAKE DOWN order. The service will then comply.
If you post directly on CamCaps as an ATTACHMENT, then it will stay up, since, for some obscure reason, RLC allows CC to exist and does not hassle CC. However, in order to post and view CC in-line posts, you need to pay $12 a year. This is not a hardship unless you suffer from Ebola in the Congo or can't find a way to get your money to Admin.
For most people in the "free world", look for aluminum cans along side the road, gather them up, cash them in, and you have a year's entertainment for a few hours work.
Thanks for that info.