And I was right - and wrong! She has had a boob job. You can see the little scar underneath her right one in the photos around this post. Also, when she gives them a rub, they lift as one mass, the way a boob job usually does. Where I'm wrong, is that it went wrong, or that she's unhappy with them. As breast augmentations go, hers look pretty damn natural, unlike some of the cantelopes you see poking out the front of some women's chests. And she seems more comfortable to "let the puppies out for a walk" now, indicating she may have not long ago had them done, and was still nervous about bruising or scarring.
I'm sorry Pookus but I'm going to have to disagree with you on the boob job. From all the pictures I've seen, there is no way you can make a 100% accurate determination!
I am siding with dfCcap here. For me to be 100% sure, I'll need to get my hands on her breasts to come to a conclusion. This would be for scientific reasons only.