I believe she all ready addressed you on this the other day.
Obviously you don't read to much.
Just because they don't have sex all the time means absolutely nothing.
And if you're spending 18 hrs a day watching RLC sounds me like you need to go out doors and enjoy some sunshine.
I am sure once she awakes she will address you again
I can tell you this they have been with RLC for 3 years. When they first came online for the first time they lived in totally different apartment than the one they have now.
Before that they lived a normal life of no cameras.
I think the word you might be looking for is Voyeur?
Yes I do have vested intrest as you state..I have a petition going also to get RLC to let me have my own apartment with cameras.
I only have one signature so far. Mine.
Great news hopefully this person gets the 200 signatures for her.
The only way you going to get her to stop is if you drag her away kicking and screaming. She is very passionate about this cause.