i agree gipfler i know monica shows a little bit of ass when she in g-string in the living room and kamila is to shy im hoping monica gets her to loosen up more and show more like she does cause kamila is pretty.
but as for me i dont care i like kamila and will continue watching this apt.she is my favorite attraction at the moment.even though shes shy maybe monica will loosen her up some.
seb38240 i think your right or they only do it in places with no cams like the laundry room and only when nora not around i think she might freak out knowing something is going on so they keep it quiet.
yea i saw that to plus the other day when they went out in the morning nora wasnt home when monica and kamila got home there was strange noises coming from upstairs but i was clearly informed that they were sleeping but it sounded like someone having sex just saying.not jumping to conclusion just writing what i see and they are always flirting with eachother.
me to matt0 i like kamila but she looks to much like jannette i read in some post that they are sisters but so far kamila has done more and shown more then she did.
i just think their good friends plus they came together but i noticed kamila is always checking monica out but i cant jump to conclusion without seeing them do anything.
i dont know if they are lovers but last night i got the same impression cause they were in the living room for awhile after they had gotten back talking all of the sudden they hid by the entrance of the apt.where there are no cameras for at least five or ten minutes and it sounded like they were kissing not saying they were just saying thats what it sounded like anyways why would they go in that corner for thats the only little erea that doesnt have a cam.not jumping to conclusion just seems odd and if knowone noticed yesturday when she got up she gave monica a tap on her ass with her hand.