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Everything posted by walterd

  1. Quick, get the little Italian lad down to the fitness room now and Karma will show him what it looks like to really hit the punch ball, the girl's a natural with real strength in her punching. Punch ball now "goosed"! 😄. Amalia now joining in, a great way to release pent-up and repressed emotions...both girls enjoying themselves. 💪
  2. .......👍, although it is not unrealistic to suspect that he maybe following that old saying of "cutting off his nose to spite his tongue"!!
  3. Katarina has indeed really come out of her shell since her companion left and is a very likeable girl, friends with everyone, easy going and pleasant, always up for a laugh and don't know if anyone else noticed it but she has the most fantastic "photographer's" hands and superb nails. Why did Mr Hawk give up his pursuit of her, he seems to want Marilyn but she likes him only as a friend and not a lover yet Katarina seemed very keen on him, perhaps he should remember the old adage "a bird in the hand....."!
  4. Nadia is a seriously good designer and seamstress, what a pity she doesn't really push that element of her abilities as she could undoubtedly have her own business but she seemingly prefers the "wonderful world of modelling" with the occasional (very occasional) bits of work it brings.
  5. Xarvaz Sir I think that your observation concerning why the Tantra Turd has not visited Karma might be considered as twofold, firstly the party, perhaps Karma, from somewhere found the strength to tell the lettuce munching yob that she was going to the party and didn't she make the most of it, enjoying herself, having fun, letting her hair down and behaving just as she chose to and not as some sort of automaton at the beckoned call of the disagreeable, appalling, anti-social narcissist that is the Tantra Turd who, as per usual, if allowed would have immediately squirrelled her away into her room for an evening of "self-pleasuring" as Karma seems terminally bored and only plays a bit part, while he likes to pretend that her pussy is, in fact a sweetcorn husk, this allows him to munch away for an hour or two to his heart's content as God knows Karma's not paying much attention. Secondly, as you point out Karma is on her period which of course would restrict his munching antics so he may as well save the lie he was going to tell his wife for some other occasion when which might prove more profitable. Given the Turd's lack of physical grace and refinement together with his mumbling, inarticulate hippy style rambling speech and disrespectful and quite dreadful lack of dress sense it seems unlikely that he would be inundated with requests from ladies to sweep them off their feet with his witty, charming and good natured banter, I rather think therefore that it maybe a forlorn hope that we have seen the last of this mindless cretin and even though many might hope that the last thing the bum saw of B4 was his twizzle stick and begging bowl coming at him at great speed when he failed to duck Karma's excellent parting shot, the only person who has any say whatsoever in the matter is in fact, Karma. Also it hardly needs pointing that we, as observers have no real idea as to what is actually going on in B4, B7 or any of the other houses or flats and as has be pointed out by others the girls in B4, in particular are past masters at fooling the cameras so we can only observe and comment on any particular event from what we see, the reality of which maybe completely different. Interesting that the interaction between Karma and Sara noticeably changed the moment Sara "friends" turned up and Sara instantly went back to her old ways, her two clown friends the drug fuelled buddy and the silly little lad dressed as a girl were simply the match to give full vent to Sara's manic personality.
  6. In fairness to the girls in B4 they've all helped with the preparation for the party and done a really fantastic job, as B4 has been rather moribund of late let's hope that they have a great party and all thoroughly enjoy themselves and as for "many boys" turning up, would that not be an excellent thing were it to happen as Mr Massimo, like him or not has some character while Mr Hawk is inoffensive however poor old Karma has disappeared so far down her rabbit hole courtesy of the Tantric Turd, the two behaving like a pair fifteen year old adultescent children and her absolute reliance on mysticism, taro cards and pretty much anything else that takes her fancy it will be very difficult indeed for her to return to reality particularly if she continues to be completely hamstrung by the wastrel turd. One suspects that for Karma a boyfriend who acts his age and treats her with respect would be a completely new adventure so let us hope that "many boys" do indeed turn up and that perhaps one or two make reasonable boyfriends for some of the girls should they so wish to have a boyfriend.
  7. Looking at it again Mauri I think you are absolutely right, with it being in bloom and with all the rain, the effect though is fantastic, very showy indeed.
  8. Is that a wisteria that Sara has decorated her balcony with? It looks fantastic and if it is a wisteria should be fragrant.
  9. Sara and Hawk have done a great job cleaning up the garden in B4, Congratulations to one and all, fantastic job spring cleaning both villas. 👏👏👏
  10. Spot on TfiDeano, by hook or by crook that bum would have Karma out of the party and imprisoned in her room in a heartbeat to serve his own fantasies, 8hrs and 55 minutes of his "masterful performance", poor Karma lying there so bored she's in danger of gnawing her own toes off simply to check that she's still alive, then we have the denouement, of the turd coming and promptly passing out from the effort! Yea truly he is a legend, in his own boxers anyway! Perhaps if he pushes Karma hard enough in front of her friends, she may just find the nerve to tell him a few home truths and ask him to relax and enjoy the party or to go home to the one he told her he had. As for the Italian laddie hooking up with Naya, great idea, he looks genuinely scared when Naya throws her arms around him (he also loses his balance as Naya’s a big girl with considerable velocity behind her when she on the move!). However, he would chase every other lady in the RLC hareem, because in his eyes Italy expects and he believes he can deliver, single handedly!! 🤢🤣.
  11. If you're looking for a laugh, have a look at Naya "playing" with Massino, the boy, quite correctly looks terrified! 😂😂😂
  12. Goodness me Poncherello in particular is on fire today, Karma and Sara are always going to be in the RLC news, occasionally for the same reason but more often than not very different reasons. Sara and Massimo deserve each other will muddle along for so long as they are both in the RLC extravaganza, they will fight, laugh and metaphorically (or perhaps even physically) tear stripes off each other daily simply so as they can then kiss and make up, until the next time they fall out! Karma and Sara have a deep friendship despite the strains Sara puts on it with her attitude once she and Massimo are "together" once again, while on the other hand when the tantric turd (if it walks like a turd and it talks like a turd then it is most unlikely to be a theoretical nuclear physicist and far more likely to simply be a turd and in this particular case you could perhaps take his twizzle stick and shove it up his ass giving the unedifying sight of a turd on a stick!) who turns up when it suits him and presumably when he has lied to his wife/girlfriend, although as Poncherello points out, given his demeanour it is entirely possible that this is simply nothing more than another lie in order to get his own way, he has no regard whatsoever for what Karma might be doing or have planned, he immediately demands her absolute attention in her bedroom with the occasional foray in to the kitchen so as he can stuff as many vegetables as he possible can down his neck, then it's straight back to Karma's bedroom for his version of a sexual relationship. He is needy, controlling, self-centred and utterly selfish, constantly demanding Karma's sole attention thereby isolating her from her friends and whatever else might be going on in the villa. Compare this coercive behaviour to how Karma is when having a good time with her friends and it looks like we’re looking at two completely different people. When he feels he's completed his mission, the turd then disappears until his carnal urges demand Karma's attention once again. It is far more difficult particularly as time goes by to see what Karma might actually get out of this tryst as the turd is simply using her for his only selfish ends which, if she is happy with such an arrangement would be fine however, it is quite clear, despite Karma's best efforts to try and hide it, that this is far from the case. Karma, in spite her physical age is young at heart, she is passive and non-assertive, she is also completely influenced and reliant on her mysticism and her fortune cards, such a reliance is unfortunate and unhelpful and as with so many of the RLC participants she spends an inordinate amount of time staring at her mobile phone, such dependence is also unhelpful. Watching her as the tantric turd carries out his own particular version of oral sex which seems to resemble him munching on a sweetcorn husk and pummelling her pussy into submission over what seems to be hours while Karma lies there looking around her, at her phone and at her nails while appearing to watch a blob of paint drying on the ceiling. On more than one occasion she has physically dragged him up from his manoeuvres between her legs through sheer boredom only to find he immediately returns to his sweetcorn husk munching task with gusto and all this before spending yet more hours of pussy pummelling which leaves the poor girl prostrate on the floor together with little puddles of fluid. It really is most difficult to see what Karma takes or could take out of such controlling nonsense other than the sure and certain knowledge that the tantric turd is simply nothing more than a worthless gigolo content to string her along for as long as he can get away with it and he is called out which, if Karma were to employ the elegant tones of her pal Sara to help in such a task could very easily find El Turd in over his head as Sara takes to prisoners which is exactly what is required in this particular situation. How will it all end? who knows and will it resolve before the participants are obliged to leave the surreal world of RLC?
  13. "Noodles and Needles" from Maxbell...👏👏👏.🤣🤣🤣.
  14. Hells Bells the lads had best mind their steps, just watch "Karma The Boxer"....wow, what a punch, fantastic. 💪 💥👏👏👏.
  15. The Italian lad who uses his "gentleman's appendage" to think through might care to take a look at Marilyn's current weight workout regime in the B4 Fitness room and perhaps bare it in mind should he think of bothering her....what a girl, she can lift more weight than many men could ever dream of...thinking of you Wolf!😂
  16. Without wishing to labour the point, Karma unhelpfully and absurdly is completely influenced by all things mystical and especially her tarot style cards which she continuously consults. The last time the tantra fellow turned up he was sitting with Karma in the B4 lounge when Nadia, who Karma constantly refers to for all things relating to the tarot cards came in with her own set of cards, Karma asked her to do a reading for them in which Nadia told them the relationship was not a good one, Karma who had been in a lively good mood was crestfallen while the tantra boy simply continued to lie there like a beached whale munching on yet another head of lettuce. From tantra's point of view he thinks that he's died and gone to heaven, he's met a pretty and malleable young lady who stays in a villa outside Barcelona, he turns up at the villa when it suits him, hilariously munches his way through his own body weight in vegetables and follows it up with his farcical version of sex with Karma, this involves him lying between her legs and performing some sort of beaver tree felling manoeuvre and pneumatic finger blasting exercise with her pussy while Karma scratches and checks herself for blemishes, she is uncomfortable, yawns a lot and appears bored out of her mind and she flinches quite a lot when his exuberant lunatic behaviour hurts her. The actual sex act is much the same, the look on Karma's face says it all "just finish for goodness sakes". When he does come the yob appears to pass out, then when he comes to, he collects his junk and buggers off back to the wife/girlfriend in time for tea, while Karma who, as has been pointed out here is a follower and someone who really struggles to assert herself at all, sits around waiting to hear from the yob as to when his next visit which presumably will be when he can next hoodwink his wife/girlfriend into believing he has to work away. He's punching way above his weight with Karma, who would normally be out of his league but because she perceives him to be some sort of mystic tantric something or other instead of what he actually is, just another of life's snake oil salesmen, she goes along with his childish antics. So long as Karma uses the experience as a learning one, no harm will be done when the inevitable break-up occurs but she is most unfortunate in having gone down the rabbit hole marked "this way to the mystic moron".
  17. "Personally, I don't think Karma will succumb to Massi's desires simply because of Sara", an interesting point from TfiDeano and one which I agree with however, from my other post you may recall that I mentioned how well Sara, Karma and Massimo seem to be getting on as they are all now singing off the same hymn sheet so to speak. You may have seen Sara and Massimo and Karma and Tantra boy were all going together this evening to a party, the girls really went for it and dressed, as they say "to take the eyes out of the boys heads", both looked absolutely lovely, faultless, there has been some criticism here previously of Karma's dress sense but this evening both her and Sara had gone to huge lengths and both looked a million dollars, definitely 15 out of 10 for both of them while Massimo looked great, as you would expect dressed in smart casuals. The Tantra clown looked liked a six foot turd wrapped in a sack with one of those afore mentioned turnips stuck on one end to signify where the dullard's head was, he completely disrespected the other three and in particular his partner Karma who, as he was changing t-shirts pointed out "a nice" red shirt in his bag, inferring that she'd like to see him in it, instead he wore an ensemble that looked as if he'd picked it up from the bottom of a pile in his local Oxfam shop, now had he Messi's personality and ability to talk to and mix with one and all he could quite probably have carried it off but with his very limited abilities I afraid that what you saw was what you got and I suspect that Karma in particular was less than happy at his appearance as, so far as I'm aware this is the first occasion on which the four have gone to a formal party as a group and should tonight prove less than thoroughly enjoyable for one and all I could see Massimo, Sara and Karma finishing up in a threesome at some future date, perhaps at a party when one of them is leaving one of the villas, Massimo would not need to be asked twice and if Sara agreed to it and under the right circumstances I could see Karma also going along with it simply to let her hair down with her mates and with no pressure, ie having to constantly pander to tantra, for remember it is she who expressed an interest in all different forms of eroticism and sometime ago it was Massimo who tired her up in B7 much to the annoyance to Wolf who seemed to consider Karma to be his property. This of course is pure suppercision on my part and may indeed have no basis whatsoever in reality but with now being at the beginning of spring and with the summer to come hopefully things will start to look up for B7 and B4 which have become somewhat moribund of late. Octavia ably abetted by Tonya bravely tested out a small "discipline party" in B1 recently, such a party with perhaps more willing eye candy "pupils" would, one suspects be a roaring success in B4 or B7 both for the girls and RLC's subscription revenues, similar hen style parties would also one suspects have the girls rolling around the villas in fits of laughter enjoying themselves and again with very positive results for all. We shall have to wait and see what the next couple of months bring to both B7 and B4.
  18. Karma’s world is ruled by two things: mysticism and her mobile phone. Her mysticism has bought her into contact with the tantra lad, someone who, with the best will in the world many would find it difficult to describe as a person of interest however, to a certain cohort of female sect followers this know-it-all has some appeal. In Karma’s case, through her mysticism she was very keenly looking to expand her life experiences so that when “Tantra Ted” showed up he, as Gerald Knauft points out “the guy very quickly understood that Karma was susceptible to mystical things and card reading etc” so they quickly started a relationship in spite of the fact that, as previously noted on the site, he is quite possibly married but certainly in a relationship with another woman yet excused this “little bump in the road” by saying that they have an open relationship as they do not get on, is his wife/partner aware that tantra Ted regards their relationship as “open” allowing him to behave as he wishes one wonders, and a cynic might reasonably ponder just how many times he’s used this particular line. Karma in her conversation with Dayana in B2’s kitchen made it very clear that she is now, having become involved with him, very conflicted indeed and unsure as to exactly what sort of relationship she has with tantra boy and very definitely feels that she is playing second fiddle to his other lady. This weekend it almost looks as if tantra boy has moved into B4 given the amount of baggage he’s turned up with this time, he seems to have bought everything bar his kitchen sink with him! Regarding their relationship, it seems to be based on Karma’s subservience to tantra’s greater knowledge of all thing to do with everything and in essence it seems rather juvenile or if you prefer, young at heart, as TfiDeano points when he says that their sex sessions are "definitely not love making that's for sure lol", there seems to be little, if any, real passion in the relationship, their kissing seemingly more perfunctory than passionate. The tantra boy is someone who is extremely keen on having his own way in all things particularly sex, where Karma, for quite a lot of the time, seems to be enduring proceedings rather than engaging wholeheartedly in them, he positions her as suits him which she sometimes seems to be clearly uncomfortable with and once he has come he then starts his familiar routine of giving his impression of some sort of sweetcorn muncher know-it-all between Karma's legs which simply goes on and on and….. and which Karma, try as she may she does not seem to enjoy very much at all but simply puts up with it as she’s is way too polite to tell him so, the entire proceedings always appear to be way too calculated by tantra boy for his own enjoyment rather than a loving engagement, a one night stand sex rather than a sexual engagement leaving you to not unreasonably wonder if he is perhaps already thinking of what excuses he can make should Karma ever become more demanding, after all the charlatan must think that he’s died and gone to heaven with such an obliging girl who tries to be all things to him however if you take away the sex there seems to be little left to hang a relationship on. Karma never seems completely at her ease with him as she does with her friends in B4, 7 and 2, a perfect example of this is the way herself and Massimo now get on as he now affords her the respect, she demands without asking, the bond between herself and Sara is now strong again and you could see when they sun bathing recently in B7 that the three of them were enjoying themselves, Karma even teasing Massimo, taking off her top and leggings in his company. It is to be hoped that Karma can take this period as a learning exercise and move on when the time arrives which may well be after she leaves RLC and returns to the real world where perhaps she will meet someone more deserving of her many virtues and that she in turn may come to realise that while mysticism and mobile phones have their place and uses in her life they should not be used as her life guides.
  19. Rattlesnake 316 makes a very good point, indeed all three girls in B2 seem to get on very well as does Aziza when she joins them. Nadja loves to talk while Karma is quite happy to listen for the most part but all the girls seem to laugh a lot which is always a good thing. Both Nadja and Karma obviously have a very deep interest in the mystical while Dayana has a somewhat more practical and "up and at them" view of life with a very good positive attitude. What was very interesting indeed was the conversation between Karma and Dayana about present and previous boyfriends and particularly when it turned out that Dayana had had a very similar relationship and experience to the one Karma is presently or perhaps was having with her own "Mystic Meg" fella. Karma said something very interesting about her "open relationship" with this fellow, to him and under his rules it seems the "open relationship" means that he can do whatever he likes but Karma must sit around and wait for him to show up at B4 whenever it suits him, he doesn't bother to contact her in any way whatsoever between visits which of course, says it all, this is commonly known as "having your cake and eating it", he is, in every way just as controlling as the Italian and Wolf are. Dayana was clearly struggling to believe that Karma would put up with such nonsense, however Karma is an intelligent and thoughtful person who clearly treats others as she would like to be treated which leaves her open to the likes of Mystic Meg and it is most unlikely that Karma is the first lady to fall for his perceived mysticism or his soup bowl and stick! One last point for those who complain about Karma's pre-eminence on the RLC site and the playbacks, Karma moves into B2 for a few days and the interest in B2 goes up while the interest in B4 is stagnant.
  20. Karma seems/seemed very smitten indeed with the Tantra fellow, she comes across as a lady who is quite young at heart and who is very much into mysticism in all its manifestations, she is/was therefore manna for the likes of “Merlin the mystic” he in turns comes/came across as someone who is rather weak and who, in his own way is/was just as manipulative and jealous as the two boyos in B7. He turns/turned up every few weeks, mutters/muttered a few "mumbo jumbos" in Karma's ear, continually completely smothering her while the "stroking” thing simply confirms what a controlling, juvenile and overbearing individual he really is/was. He is/was very keen indeed on keeping her away from the others in B4 and in her room for the entirety of his stay. He seems/seemed very determined indeed where sex is/was concerned and while Karma appears/appeared to have no real problem with this and is/was quite happy to have sex with him bringing him to climax on every occasion with oral and or full sex she appears to find/found his own efforts to pleasure her however as what can only be described as less than satisfactory, she can/could regularly be seen checking her phone or lying watching her image in the window and often seems/seemed quite bored with his below par efforts at whole sex thing, telling him on one occasion that she was tired while he was performing his version of oral sex on her, she simply turned over and went to sleep. Mention has been made here that Merlin maybe married with a child but that his wife and himself don't get on, if it is true that he said this it makes him even more of an adulterous cad of a husband. This sort of story is known as the great "get out of jail free card" or "having your cake and eating it", Merlin gets to have/had a girlfriend who puts/put considerable effort and thought into their relationship while he of course, is/was delighted to turn up for sex on a regular basis but should Karma ever become more demanding as perhaps may/might have been the case, then the old plaintiff cry of "what can I do I'm married" will/would have been played and Merlin will/would have be off after his next conquest before you could say “you forgot your wand” Merlin! Karma is far from silly and may indeed be/have been well aware of this and is/was simply enjoying the moment for what it is/was while adding it to her curriculum vitae of interpersonal relationships, it is to be hoped that this is the case and that she does not/did not end up getting hurt which she most definitely does/did not deserve as she is one of the most interesting tenant's that RLC have just now. Perhaps one of the most telling things this weekend was when Karma went up to the kitchen to where the other girls and Daytona were and where they, including Karma spent a significant proportion of their conversation laughing and joking no doubt this relaxed state was helped hugely by the enormous change which has come about in Sara’s attitude starting almost the second “Lecherous Luigi” left the stage.
  21. Hi All, well very sorry indeed to see Rachel leave the villa and the project, I thought she was very genuine with an excellent stable personality, in short an excellent participant. An extremely personable lady and also really good on a sociable level, she simply made the effort to get on with everyone. She cooked, she cleaned and she partied, yet even though she was often amongst the very last to leave the party she was up, perfectly dressed and ready for work the following morning. She clearly knows the value of a euro given how she looks after her cloths and every aspect of her being and it is the juxtaposition of her life and her job when compared to some of the other participants which make the villa and indeed the project so interesting. There were complaints from some that she was only around for the parties and absent otherwise, yet mention was also made of her boyfriend with whom she would undoubtedly have stayed for a night or two, I do not know if her boyfriend ever came to the villa but it is possible that he may not have felt comfortable in doing so while she has no such problem whatsoever with being naked in front of camera. It is also quite probably that she stayed with her friends occasionally as it seems that she lives in Barcelona. What made her so very interesting was her interaction with the other participants in the project, Herself and Sara got on like a house on fire and had she been in the project for a longer stay it would have been most interesting to see how their friendship might have developed. Her friendship with Mr Wolf was also very interesting indeed with both happy to appear teasingly naked around each other but without pursuing it any further, again a friendship which may well have developed had she stayed somewhat longer in the project. Given Mr Wolf's voracious sexual appetite this friendship was so interesting as it certainly seemed that he respected her not to mention the fact that even after a long and hard days work she would happily cut and colour the hair of any of the other participants including Mr Wolf and she is clearly very good at her job. She loved to drink, nibble and smoke when partying and was never stand-offish, when Herself, Sara and Mr Wolf finish up in the bath beside Sara's room she joined in fully right up until Sara and Mr Wolf got out to have sex, again as friendships develop it would have been most interesting to see how the various friendships might have developed given Rachel's sociability and openness to new ideas. I think that it's the "will she, won't she" element of her personality made her one of the most interesting participants and for a first time entrant, a really excellent debut. Not only that but when she bought her girlfriend to the house, unsurprisingly it turned out that her friend in the short few days she was there was just as interesting with tons of possibility. And on her final night in the house what a fantastic party the girls had, every single one of them giving it laldy (a Scottish phrase meaning a thrashing or lots of energy)and thoroughly enjoying themselves to such an extent that the little sleaze weasel boy had to unceremoniously depart, leaving the party with his tail between his legs as none of the girls would pay attention to him. If RLC can find one or two more participants of Rachel's calibre I for one will be more than happy to renew my annual subscription when it falls due.
  22. Greetings All, I’ve been an RCL and CamCaps subscriber for some time now preferring to simply read the comments of others rather than offer my own reflections of the comings and goings of the ladies in the apartments however, reading some of the remarks concerning Nana I have found myself wondering if in fact I’ve been watching a different RCL site to some other observers. I’ve watched Nana since she first joined the site and as a first timer, she quickly found her feet while under the glare of the cameras in the villa. She could be very funny indeed, a real smiler, intuitive and always game for a laugh, she tried to be accommodating to all and was willing to go the extra mile for the sake of peace and quiet. Yet many of the comments concerning her seem to adopt the attitude of “be the girl I want you to be rather than the girl that you are”, while she established her own boundaries and it was up to the viewer to accept them or nor, comments such as “no no Nana” and “Nana the nun” seem to fail to understand this. She’s clearly strong willed and not easily put off however in the villa she was more than happy to take on board the guidance offered by the likes of Vivian and Pam and quite early on had a great evening with them and her boy friend in B1 playing strip poker where she finished up naked and with the boy who was also naked and had an erection (much to Vivian’s and Pam’s amusement) and kept poking Nana in the back with it when of course much hilarity ensued. Also, when with Tesla it was clear that she was also willing to try new things and you do wonder if Tesla remained with the project for somewhat longer than she did what the two of them might have got up to. She never seemed to have any problem with her own company and made a strenuous effort to learn a new a difficult language while a tenant. When she transferred to the B1 apartment the four girls certainly seemed to enjoy each other’s company and had some great laughs with Nana to the forefront of the mirth. She also seemed to fundamentally change her attitudes in B1 when she found how easy it was for them to go out to bars and clubs given the location of the apartment and once again given more time and fewer restrictions due to the pandemic it seemed quite likely that there may have been some interesting viewing in the future. Recently she spent a great evening in the villa being massaged by Radi and Loraine and had a very long chat with Radi, after Loraine had left the proceedings and while the two of them were wrapped around each other which Nana seemed to enjoy and was very relaxed about. I for one would quite happily renew my half yearly subscription should I see ever her name on an RCL participants list at some future date, whether that will ever happen or not is known to only one person!
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