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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. He's ok 🙂 He has only taken a break from the forum, but follows along
  2. Nerinas name removed - she moved out days ago.. @StnCld316
  3. offline - left the project an era is over @StnCld316
  4. Unfortunately, you are not the first to have come to that conclusion.. It is a shame that the members here in the forum do not appreciate the translations.
  5. Karma and her guy leaving for a vacation Wolf and Ney left too
  6. Bye, Bye girls - it was fun 🙂 I hope to see you again 😉
  7. Daylight comes and Wolf retreats to his own cave 🙂 🙂 (Sorry guys, I'm just getting a little influenced by the posts here)
  8. Went downstairs to her bed. Still licking pussy - dildo out
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