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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. 1725 Doorbell rang in Barca1 .. And They turned down the TV ... neighbor complain here too ???
  2. 1407: Anna, Stella, Carolina and Belle went out All the girls read the poster on the wall and pointed to it.
  3. Det har vært ringt på døren flere ganger tidligere også... så de har vel fått en advarsel.
  4. Lookup from landlord After repeating the noise at night, we ask all mute their music system and loud cries after 2300 LOL
  5. A new girl on visit. Lola pointed to a posting on the wall in the hallway, which she had read (certainly info about cameras)
  6. Goodbye Megan You came as a little shy girl who showed nothing but tits, insofar as it was. But soon grew to become the leader in nudity and got maybe met your secret dream with Rebecca. Wish you all on. Take care of yourself and your life.
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