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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Yes, you see them good in night vision. There are some flashes of dots. This is actually Braille and "Morse" id that are lower to the west of the screen
  2. Clearly they're here. So that when I let out my last picture. it was no id, they know it was me because username and then I was banned. But they should have thanks for that they heard us in connection with Kami and Kristy. So we'll just hope that Irma and Anna reappears. Have you also noticed that those newsletters occasionally writes that "has left the project" on some, but not all. They did it in Irma, but not Anna, do I mean.
  3. That was it. A nice showdag who ended up with nothing, as usual. However nice it was to watch. Thank you and good night and good morning. :clap:
  4. Le soleil donne l'éblouissement en elle, donc ils obtiennent dans le visage dans la course de la matinée
  5. Anybody know alcohol% of the wine they drink? They've emptied a bottle of 15 min .. But it is all the same type as they have been drinking before without visible effects.
  6. This is starting to get serious. Now Danaya pray. She had a note with a prayer and then cross herself.
  7. Everything is set for a great night in the home. Let's just hope they stay home. In the shower now But Danaya begin to make-up, so it may look like they are going out
  8. I'm sorry to say this but Danaya has begun to clean and throw things from drawers and cupboards. :shithappens: But there is a little hope that she only does clean. No other girls have washed out, made of linen, etc. as she does now
  9. Much discussion about money and keys Danaya took with her when she left bag and jacket last night. Here you see Euro € https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/banknotes/denominations/html/index.en.html
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