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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Yes, small "cabin suitcase" They stay for a few days..
  2. They probably sign when they arrive and are UM It was once, a few years ago, that RLC forgot to put B2 UM and we saw and heard Nora tell one of the new girls about the rules and the agreement.
  3. Tata arrived B5 on 2.2.22 for her first stay on RLC as girl #200 in the COV/GOV apartments
  4. Again - Welcome Tata your are the #200 individual girl in the COV/GOV apartments 🙂
  5. Shit, I don't know how to say it in Geordie, but I'm so sorry 😉
  6. They must let you have something to look at another day as well
  7. No, I have no connection to RLC 🙂 But have many good friends who understand what is being said. In Russian, Spanish with the dialects and Czech And that after almost 10 years I have gained some experience of what is going on
  8. Well, I told the two or three times that the B2 girls changed rooms .... 😛
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