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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. I agree that Olivia, Ulyana, Fior and Harley are the joker here. But I think they will move into a new apartment together when the time comes. What happens to the apartment that Fiora and Harley live in now is uncertain. It is not suitable for several people, as there is only one bathroom inside the bedroom I think T&T is done this time
  2. Yes, it has been a big problem all along They closed B4 longer to fix it, but do not seem to have worked.
  3. With the departure of Tereza and Timur, more opportunities open up now 1) As my good friend Moos presented; Karol and her bf move in, since she is good friends with Leia. 2) in B1 the room then becomes vacant and Pam can take over this. The suitcase is all in place in B1. 3) Loraine and Anthony move in and release a room in B4 that Amalia can take over. We'll see
  4. and to bed - Martina with Alberto Her friend in the guestroom - with Taco 🙂
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