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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. That room worked wonders a couple of days ago. It's a magical room, as Moos said
  2. Gina, Bruno, Cleo and Brutus home 2251 Bruno strait to bed
  3. nope, only as you describe But it is promising. Not many new participants have had a guy in bed the second night.
  4. Kamila also had different sizes, without problems for her - it seemed.
  5. The very drunk girl from two nights ago is back
  6. There is probably more because there is no AC in the bedroom.
  7. same guy as yesterday NATO 😉 (No Action Talk Only) and asleep 0600
  8. Gina and Cleo awake Gina went out on the balcony with her phone Maybe Brutus and Bruno on their way
  9. I moved the Martina folder away from Masha now 🙂 Both starts with MA (the only i see)
  10. Funny. They arrived a few days ago and you want to replace them all. You probably have to be prepared to see them in B1 for a long time, since RLC has set them up as Roommates and not GOV. GOV these days are 120-150 ++ So gods know how long roommates stay
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