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Everything posted by Del_Austin

  1. Actually, the operative words are "a well regulated militia" a bunch of citizens running around with weapons doesn't meet that criteria. On the other hand the National Guard of each individual state does meet that criteria and was the intent of the founders.
  2. If the teens would have moved on like they were told to do it all could have been avoided. Then the actual matter at hand could have been taken care of. Again 11 cops responded, 10 handled the situation as professionals one didn't. People do dumb stuff. They get involved in situations where they coulda, shoulda, woulda and end up acting like a jackass. Professionals need to be held accountable when they let emotion override their professionalism. You can't have pilots fly their aircraft off coarse because they get pissed at something or a Doctor letting the patient die because of personal feelings.
  3. 11 cops respond, 10 did their job, one acted like a jackass. Enough said.
  4. Dumbest thing I ever herd, most American women I know bust their butts for their family including mine
  5. Check out TedCruz.com, apparently he is really on top of things
  6. I suppose the KKK was also Muslim
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