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Status Replies posted by rammer

  1. Rammer, my brother..Share with me the good news. I have a smile bigger than any blue state.  

    1. rammer


      I'm still kicking Joey.  I had a bit of a scare a week ago when I went to chemo and had a blood pressure reading of 63/36.  I also had a huge cut in my head that I had no idea how it happened.  The chemo RNs put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me to the trauma unit where they literally saved my life.  Good people.  They also put 11 staples in my head to close the gash and I spent two days in the trauma unit .  i still had a scab in my scalp but I'm all good again.  That's my good news my friend.  It's all good. 

      You seem to be doing well.  The Cowboys are hanging in there but you should really convert to the Eagles.  Listen to Gov't Mule and watch the Eagles.  It works for me.  Take care my friend.  We'll talk again soon.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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