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Posts posted by rammer

  1. 20 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Didn't hear you complaining when Obama flew to Hawaii,The Hamptons,or Hyannis Port for vacations.Also,Obama played golf on week days.Trump only plays on weekends at courses that he owns. And when the Obamas flew to Hawaii,Barack and Michelle flew on separate planes at taxpayer expense.How much did that cost?

    Ridge, you're probably the most ignorant person I've ever run into lately or at least on this site (trying so hard to minimize it).   I need to think about it for awhile and I'm sure there is a dumber ass here than you but I'll defer for now.  Were to do live?  Just curious.  I'm thinking your thought process might be geographically deficient. You just can't help it.  It's all good.  Please share!

  2. The numbers are what the numbers will be. I would prefer the money goes to healthcare to our citizens rather than to the POTUS' BS demeaning our democracy every other day but that's how you guys have chosen how we roll in the US.  "Lock her up".  I say grow up, you were raised better.  Politics is more important to maintaining Congressional and Senatorial seats than looking out for the people who elected their fat asses. It will soon change back to reality.  We shall soon see.

  3. 6 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    Cause that's what Trump said yesterday but his guess was way out in Left Field.  All Trump is doing is trying to instill fear into Americans with his made up Fables just so he can try and sway people not to vote Democrat.

    I really don't know why he is out Campaigning and holding Rallies for. The Election is not for President. Every time he Hops into Airforce One and Wanders at Will it Costs the American Taxpayers Money. Those Flights are not Free.

    So true.  So the taxpayers are subsidizing Trump campaigning for Republicans?  He can't govern and we need to pay for his golf outings and campaign stops?  Someone must have those costs somewhere. I sure as hell don't want my tax dollars going there.  Do you?

  4. Thanks happyone.  I agree except for the wall. 

    19 minutes ago, happyone said:

    I liked it simply because it is true.  There is a hoard heading toward the US through Mexico.  The wall should have been built already and Congress should have passed immigration reform already to enable qualified persons to enter the US legally. We cannot simply let anyone come here that does not go through a revised set of rules to enter legally.  Those DACA people are here and should be allowed to remain IMO.  During the housing crises and the downturn of our economy, we lost a lot of skilled trades people, and some working in agriculture.  We either need to allow these people who are capable and willing to do this work, or rather than forcing college on everyone--start providing trade schools for those who do not want college.  A good tradesman can make a very good living.

    I agree with everything you said except for the wall.  The wall is idiotic and just a political ploy but I agree with everything else you posted.  Is building a frickin wall the best solution to the problem?  That's idiotic to me.  We really haven't had a problem until immigration became a political hot button for Trump and his base. These are good people who are leaving countries where they are threatened with death.  "Ragheads"?  How the hell has the country digressed to this insanity? There's a 5 letter word for the perpetrator of this insanity.  It starts with a T and and with a P.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    I'm sure you won't be, have you went to real clear politics and read the article there, they give much better non partisan outlook.

    They also show trend analysis of all the races, including the national ones all the way to each individual seat race.

    I will.  Nice Post. Probably not as good as Steve Kornacki.  This dude's a freak, unbiased, data infused, and the best there is. He breaks it down on the big board while he juxtaposes data around in real time.  Google him if you want to watch him do it better than anyone else on election night.  Or you can watch Trump TV on FOX.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    He is sleeping. He has a night job and goes to work about midnight (EST) he is usually around in the mornings.

    BTW just an FYI he use to the be the forum admin before Stone Cold, and was longtime Mod here.

    Thanks Rider.  I know.  It doesn't matter to me though. What he said was not cool at all.  It needs to be addressed.

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