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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. No you are missing my point completely. If you remember at the end of Kammi's first stay she and Nora were not getting along well. Nora was treating her more like a little sister. When Kammi came back with Kristy she had a friend in the house. She smiled and laughed more. Nora still was trying to control the atmosphere. Remember the lack of nudity downstairs and Kiko perving the girls? Remember of times the cleanliness of the apartment was an issue? Everything had to meet Nora's standards?Kristy and Kammi would be sitting on the couch and Kristy would get up to get something and Nora would take her seat. If the two were sitting too far apart Nora would force her way to sit between them. Remember the dancing? Nora always looked out of place and would bring down the mood. As of sex. I don't know or care if they have ever had sex or will ever have sex but at least we will see without interference. This is a better situation. Nora is not their "landlord" any longer. They are big girls now.
  2. What we will get simply is the personality of each together without the influence of Nora. In many ways Nora was trying to get between them too often. I could never be clear if she was jealous of their relationship or trying to manipulate them. Maybe some of both. We can now see them as they are together. Maybe it will be different maybe not but at least we can see. As long as they still have fun personalities as they did before, they will out shine at least 9 other apartments.
  3. I hope someone remembers to blow out the candles downstairs or there will be no apartment for long. There is alot of fire going on down there!
  4. Yes, at first she wanted to spell "Happy Birthday" but as she finished HAP..she realized sh wasn't going to have enough candles so she had to start over and spell Ilona. It is the thought that counts. Maybe we will see a nice party for Ilona's Birthday later. Happy Birthday!
  5. You are correct ." anticipation, and speculation without confirmation." We seem to have that right now. Some are convinced the drawers and closet are empty indicating Ilona is likely gone for good. Others are confident belongings remain indicating she may return. Let's see who was really paying attention. Someone know for sure. Others just think they know for sure.
  6. Don't start the party yet. It looks like she packed for a trip rather than leaving.
  7. I hate to tell you my friend but you are being played. They were not looking at CC or RLC forum page today. They were not mocking us today. I watched the goings on when it happened I didn't see that. I went back just now and looked at my recording again just to be sure. I am not going to go back over all the details but I will say this. The girls were in Ilona's room earlier. As someone else noted they were in a playful mood. Ilona was doing some tit grabbing and Danaya was attempting to show affection and for the most part it was playful. Here is Where my story parts from what you heard. At one point they were looking at dating sites. How do I know? They both had their screens visible to camera 7 for a short while. Ilona was reading some profiles in english with a irritating mocking voice and style. It was so irritating it caused Danaya At one point to plug her ears. Shortly thereafter Danaya got a text and the context appeared someone asked her out and she started to try to think of an excuse why she could not go. Her first excuse was "I cannot go I am having a problem with my belly (in english). Ilona thought that was funny. Danaya then said no...I cannot go because I have to stay home and play with my pussy.(again in english) Ilona thought that was hilarious and started using "playing with my pussy" as a running joke. In the irritating voice she would repeat I have to play with my pussy ...can I play with your pussy? She even grabbed the stuff dog and attacked Danaya with it saying Can I play with your pussy and Can I lick your pussy? Later another profile got Ilona miming shaving her body hair. She threw her spread legs up against the wall and mocked shaving her pussy, legs and arm pits. There was more but I will not repeat the whole scene. Just know she was not mocking us. Did she look in the camera? Maybe but only because Danaya was sitting under cam 7 because her batteries were low and for a while she was sitting on the floor on a short charging cord. I was watching from cam 8 at that point because cam 7 just showed the back of her head. Cam 8 wasn't much better because she was sitting on the floor sometimes moving up and down from the bed when Ilona showed her something or she wanted to kiss or cuddle Ilona. I truly believe you cannot believe everything you see in the apartment but you cannot believe everything people say (or think they see) here.
  8. Today Danaya kissed Ilona a couple of times, gave her a massage, dragged her bare breasts on Ilona's back (like Irma did.) during the massage, sexually rubbed her crotch on Ilona's ass, let Ilona lift her naked breasts and jiggle them and played with the nipples. That was the most sexual Ilona has been since Irma left. I still doubt anything more will happen tan that. Danaya seems to want to play but so far the iceberg has halted the cruise. I would like to see the play go further but I am a realist and don't expect it.
  9. I keep hearing about these "RLC rules". Could someone point me in a direction where I may educate myself to these? I am not talking about opinion (yes everyone has one and a right to it) or conjecture but strictly structured commandments. The way they are talked about I am sure there is a tablet engraved around here some place. :no:
  10. To paraphrase, she was speaking of how some girls are more comfortable in front of the cameras than others. Some even masterbate but she isn't brave enough. She may have been referring to the night Irma masterbate loudly and Ilona was listening to her.I didn't hear her mention her name however.
  11. I agree with what you heard about masterbation by Ilona. I was listening as well. At that point I hit the record button so I could listen again. I record a lot while watching so I may go back and check things again or I may get lucky like the night Anna and Irma came home together. It was shortly after the masterbation comment Ilona got her phone and read the text. This was after they got home and were sitting on the couch topless. I listened to it and didn't think about it much. It sounded to me as just a little boy - girl disagreement. At the time First I was surprised the girls (especially Danaya) didn't appear more drunk. When I heard the text I laughed because the guy did not pay for the girl's dinner. That explained why they didn't drink more to me. This morning when this thread started it started to sound as if these texts were some how going to tie into the original topic. I listened to the recording again this morning and transposed the words spoken by Ilona as she read to text. Some words were difficult but I believe them to be very accurate. I do not believe they prove or disprove anything about Ilona's life inside or outside the apartment. They stand on their own as something Ilona red out loud for all to hear. My opinion here, this is just an example of a guy that likes a girl more than she likes him and his feeling got hurt. Ilona got angry because she was hoping he would pay for her dinner and drinks. All this other stuff is just noise unless some one can show evidence or a police report! :lmao:
  12. I heard that as well. they were then interrupted by Ilona's phone buzzing with a text. This is what she read out loud in english so this is not secret stuff. "But tonight was a strange situation I was in I wanted to dinner with you but you didn't like me. When you tell me to go to movies with friends you arrived two hours later but then I must buy your dinner? If you want to go tomorrow I will pay your dinner but not dinner with friends and I am not gone. If you want to find my place and do something, then don't arrive until later. If you want to have dinner tomorrow tell me I will be with you but tonight you treat me very badly. If I was your man you would take me home with you. If you take me home it means I am your man. If I pay for everything tonight..."(Alona stops reading) Later he says he felt ignored because "you were talking to your friend in Russian" One other additional text says "I would like to take a walk on Sunday if you can. Anyway I hate the cameras. They are frightening." End of text message that she read. This sounds more like the conversation of teenagers rather than "worldly adults".
  13. Yes I predict poor consequences for Danaya tonight. She over primed and will continue to drink. Ilona is not as unselfish as Anna and Irma were when Ilona and Layla got drunk and the other two took care of them until they got in bed ok. Could be messy. Maybe she will get picked up and puke in someone else's bed. :haha:
  14. I don't thnk she wants it. She has had 2 opportunities when other have left and turned it down each time. It is not as if she is shy about taking things for herself. :no:
  15. Danaya is now moving to the big bedroom. She has the responsibility to put the reputation in that room back to where it was before Layla. :drool:
  16. Danaya's name was never placed on a room. This could be due to RLC laziness, another new person coming or maybe Danaya is truly just a "guest". Other apartments have guests stay short term and don't add their name to an apartment room. It seems to me as well she has not really unpacked. She seems to be living out of the suitcase. Again this may be because she will move to another room now that Layla has gone. :idk:
  17. That will change. Most of the girls start that way and a couple of days later, they are used to the cams being there.
  18. My observation is Danaya is more assertive than Layla. This morning Ilona barged in and attempted to side on the bed and force Danaya over so she could sit. Danaya didn't move. She held her ground. Ilona is pushy because people let her. People like her are teachable. You just need to stand up to them. Danaya seems confident.
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