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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. No one is home now anyway. It will be 30-45 minutes and someone will be home to flip the switch.
  2. Maybe "Kristy" is one of Nora's dance partners. ;) Could have been a tryout.
  3. I would be very surprised if Rita ever returned. Nora and Rita hated each other at the end of her last stay. They each did things to purposely irritate each other and had words back and forth often. It wasn't fun to watch.
  4. Lol, Sorry to burst your fantasy but it is the remote control for the air conditioner. You can just see it up in the upper left hand corner on camera 5. Milana and CoCo's room has one too over the door but it must have a compressor problem because it is very noisy. Poor Kami doesn't have one. That is why she has the fan.
  5. With the traffic in the living room, the bath (great example here) or bedroom is the only likely place you will see any repeat like this. I fully understand why the bathrooms don't have mics. It would be pretty embarrassing for the tenants if everybody could hear some of the sounds normally associated with releasing "body waste" and it gives them a place where they can have personal communications when they feel it necessary. But, I still have to say that I would really love to hear the sounds Kamila is making when you can clearly see she is screaming during a powerful orgasm. Maybe in the future RLC will consider having mics that the tenants can turn on or off as they choose? Well, I can dream, can't I? ;D There are a few occasions when missing the sound really affects appreciating the event. IMHO, masturbation sessions with their subtle moans and groans suffer the most from no sound. In this apartment with the living room so crowded, the bedrooms will be the location to wait for. While I agree."There are a few occasions when missing the sound really affects appreciating the event." in this case I doubt "you can clearly see she is screaming during a powerful orgasm." I believe having no sound tends to allow one's imagination to exaggerate what is really happening. We have seen this same face from Kami numerous times in the bedroom with sound and she is clearly not screaming. I have never heard her scream while masterbating. Usually nothing louder than a powerful exhale.Outside the apartment in a private surrounding maybe but again this is for the imagination because I have never seen it.
  6. A weather front came through. Bunch of wind and some thunder and lightning. The bedrooms on that side of the apartment are on the windward side and were very noisy. The bedroom window blew open. Milana is curled up in the bed in a fetal position and hands over her ears. Nothing phases Kami. She has been watching the storm and taking some pictures. Coco just wanted to sleep so she went downstairs where it is quiet. Storm seems to be past now.
  7. I cannot speak with certainty for the present, but on CC a picture was posted from the old Nora and Kiko apartment thread. The camera over the couch caught Nora viewing RLC and I believe one time CC as well. I don't know how they could block them from reading CC unless they blocked the IP. We all know how well that technique works however for someone determined to bypass that problem.
  8. Or she was reading CC and saw a video from the other day or critical comments. ???
  9. Sorry but that is a cop out. All experiments have limits. Only cowards stand by and watch a woman or child being attacked. Granted intervening in this case is difficult but no one should make excuses for RLC not attempting to stop an attack on someone. This should be addressed now by RLC before someone is killed on camera.
  10. "I'm sorry I hit you, pulled on your hair, threatened you, slapped you and pushed you around. I really do love you though!" Oh man, my allergic reaction to bullshit is starting to get worse. Not to mention the head butt in the bedroom.
  11. She just applied some hand cream and moved her lover from the dresser to the floor next to the bed. I consider that foreplay.
  12. Nora, Kamila had absolutely nothing to do with the bomb that went off downstairs. I hope she reads this!! You know she will come here directly to see what happened.lol I was just thinking, I wonder if Malana is just drunk or whether she know she is on the way out and this is her way of flipping off Nora. She was specifically doing things that were pointed to irritate Nora. Moving the couch, removing the new cover for the couch. Throwing everything off the table one at a time. Flipping off camera 1 etc. We are going to feel the aftershocks world wide!
  13. Nora is going to shit when she gets home. According to her standards they have trashed the place!
  14. I don't believe either of them are here for long. Neither have unpacked their suitcases totally and appear ready to leave any time. RLC is not s Bed and Breakfast.
  15. I think they did leave their bedroom closet is empty I haven't seen any credible evidence anyone has been living there for 2 weeks. That was just a theory thrown out there by someone. All we saw were glimpses of people in the kitchen. The closets appeared to look empty yesterday as well. I did see them bringing things in still yesterday. Having said that however the apartment looks amazingly clean or sparse today. I guess we will have to wait and see what is going on.
  16. Don't you find it strange when someone sends their loved one to another room so you can masterbate while potentially millions of others in the world sit and watch? Ah the irony of it all. lol
  17. I thought this was a hilarious start to RLC. He had to beg her for sex, she finally consented to allow him to jack off pointed at her face while she masterbated. She finally consented to fuck while she masterbated. He left to clean up and she masterbated because he came too soon. He then came back before she was finished so she gave him a chore and he left again. She finished just as he was returning to bed and she quickly flipped to her side and pretended to be sleeping so he would not know she masterbated. Funny stuff. It kind of reminded me of Leora and Paul. This apartment may be interesting.
  18. I guess this is solid proof business is declining. She is forced to sell personal items on eBay to make ends meet. ;)
  19. Does Nora seem to be waiting up for Kami or is it just me? She is laying nude on the bed and every once in a while she pops her head up like she hears something and walks to the bathroom nude. This has happened about 3 times. Last time she looked specifically at Kami's room when she came out as if to check if she came home.
  20. Panties not in a bunch here but did this happen in the kitchen or while watching tv? Narrow it down a bit please. I recorded most of it as I was out a bit but seeing Nora reprimand Kimi in sign language may be worth the time to search. She probably caught Kiko as he was perving the apartments. I'm a bit rusty on my Russian sign language so I may not get it right away. Translation for "Don't sleep naked any more" and "The walrus in the pink room" are close and could easily be confused.
  21. I don't think she is packing, I think she is unpacking. She has been living out of her suit case. She is organizing by putting things in the closet and drawers. She may be using her suitcase to hold things. She is in a very good mood today. She has been dancing in the shower and room and singing.
  22. You people are so funny! janan posts 2 clearly troll threads and in less than 24 hours, he created over 3000 views and nearly 50 replies. Carry On. It is so pitiful it is funny! lol lol lol
  23. Kiko is a co-owner of the Barcelona setup, or at least a junior partner. How does DASHA fit into all this ??? She is in Russia. dasha nous a apporter toutes les invitées, Nelly, polina, certainement diana et efim, et je pense même zoya!!! ;) dasha bring us all invited, Nelly, polina, certainly diana and EFIM, and I think even zoya !!! ;) And Taya & Yarik Why does everyone assume Dasha has an exclusive role in this activity? Yes it seems her friends involved but Demid is never mentioned. He is the one who appears to work more and is out of the apartment often. He could have a greater role than he is given credit. I have always wondered if their parties may be not only friends having fun but informal auditions. ;)
  24. Kami, in the tub, with the showerhead. She is not playing Clue.
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