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Status Updates posted by euromike69

  1. Jamie do you ever read your Pm messages?

    Please check your inbox

  2. Snaky delete that pic in the danaya thread Asap!!!!

  3. Hello Admin,,,good morning,,,I'm having problems seeing who liked my photos,,when I click on the little box with the heart that shows who like your photos,,the box itself is not clickable,,,I don't know why it's doing that,,,please help me figure this out...Thank you.


  4. I can see my Arrows for the up and down votes now,Thanks Admin sir you're the best,,,keep up the good job,we will all get used to this new site eventually and everybody will get back into the swing of things,,,I must say that this new site is pretty fast when it comes to loading a page.

    Thanks again Admin!!

  5. Hello Admin,Good morning!!

    I don't see the Like option on my page or see any up or down arrows that I keep on hearing other folks on here talking about,,I've already did the logging out,clearing Cookies,Caches and everything else but still no changes yet,,I don't know if It's just my profile or you still have Bugs to work out and fix.


    Thank you Mikey!

    1. Admin


      Can you see them now?

    2. euromike69


      Opps sorry for the delay in answering too busy posting pics.....but yes sir I can see them now thank you very much.

      Thanks Mikey!!

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