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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. :biggrin::biggrin:



    22 minutes ago, CowArt said:

    You have been going on and on for (three?) months now, about how in your opinion RLC in general and B1/B2 in particular is a ripoff. You have made hundreds of posts, all "defending the rights of the RLC customers". I am one of those customers, and I can take care of myself, thank you very much, I don't need you to fight my battles. A couple of weeks ago you announced here that your subscription ended and you wouldn't renew. I am a bit surprised to see you write "I speaks as an RLC subscriber"... You renewed your subscription? And again, here you are, talking about how it's not worth the money. Here a thought for you: STOP SENDING THEM YOUR MONEY if you dislike the whole RLC concept as much as you appear to do. What is it that you want? You want to change how RLC runs the B1/B2 apartments? That's not gonna happen by ranting here. You want us all to fall on our knees before you and say "Oh great and wise vortios, you were so right and we were so wrong, we will all collectively cancel our subscriptions now". That's not gonna happen either.

    Yes, your ideas and comments are welcome, if those posts express your opinions that is fine, but how many times now have you expressed this exact opinion in here? 200 times? 300 times? When is enough going to be enough? After a hundred more posts just like that? 200? 500? You more than made your point, please give it a rest now.

    And on the subject off the girls leaving the apartment: Is it really that bad? Maybe I am online on different hours then some of you, but most times I log on, more than half of the girls are accounted for. Yes, sometimes they all doll up at the same time, and all of them go out to enjoy life. Maybe instead of ranting about it here, you should do the same. You see that little X in the top right corner of your browser? Try clicking on it for once, it will close the RLC window, so you won't see the empty apartment anymore. If you feel really bold, you could even open your front door and step outside your house for a while, you know, to enjoy life like the girls are doing.

    It is stated nowhere that the girls are in Barcelona to entertain us. They are willing to share a couple of months of their lives with us, to the degree they feel comfortable with. How for that goes is different for every girl. Isn't that just the beauty of RLC? Getting to know these girls a bit, see them interact, watch them get more comfortable with the cameras, see some of them do less than you expected, but also see others do far more than you could ever dream? We are watching real human beings here, not animals in a zoo. They deserve respect, but it seems some of you will only be happy if the girls are on arrival stripped at the door, tossed in the apartment butt naked with some twigs and leafs to eat, the door locked behind them.

    So there you have it. My ideas and comments. I'm not gonna repeat it 300 times over the next few months.


    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 minute ago, vlkvlk111 said:

    Justification ?  Why the fuck would any tenant have to give any justification for going outside ? And what else ? A document of parental consent ? Are we in nursery school ?

    Should we allow them 1 hour a day at fixed hours like for the inspection of the social security medical inspector, to allow them to buy groceries ? (not even sure, they may use this hour to fuck guys !).

    And who should they give their justification paper to ? Would there be a poll or a vote by the customers ? No sorry, you can't go outside to buy toilet paper - we are fearing that you would go to the swingers club instead.

    Of all girls you are focusing on Gina ... Gina has been, for voyeurs, one of the best girls of recent times. She spends literaly all day naked. The shower and kisses with Lola was one of the sexiest moment. She is one of the few girls in the cast who had an open, over covers masturbation. For more than 2 months she has been engaged in the social life of the apartments, especially with the twins and Stella, and Kylie. She is always one of the best during the parties, genuinely loving dancing.

    Good grief, she is going out a bit more ... It doesn't diminish her value as an human beeing and as a rightful tenant. A few days of lower activity and we are already putting her at the stake ? Never. Not on my watch.



    • Upvote 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

    RLC is unique in this way, which you don't get on the other sites, especially between the girls...That's what I love about the girls apartments...The interaction between the B2 girls right now is great to watch...:biggrin::heart:

    That's why I love Rosie and Kristy,,those 2 girls light up any room they are in,,,even Jasmin lights up as soon as Rosie comes home,,You can always tell the true friends from the ones who are just thrown together as Roommates.

    True Friends are like.

    1. Kamila and Kristy
    2. Rosie and Jasmin
    3. Irma and Ilona
    4. Stella and kylie 
    5. Mikey and Rita
    6. Lola and Polya
    7. Coco and Milena
    8. Kristy and The Angels
    9. Irma and Anna
    10. Carolina and Anna
    • Upvote 4
  4. 54 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Jas went into bathroom on toilet area with her phone and earplugs

    See how speculations and rumors get started,,,,happy says this:angel::arrow:

    51 minutes ago, Fennec said:

    Jas hiding from the cameras to fap for her boyfriend. Great...

    :arrow:And then Fennec comes up with this:dodgy:

     I guess no female ever takes a shit or a piss while on the phone,,especially since she was already on the phone way before she had to use the bathroom.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, balt2103 said:

    Better we do not talk about whether the girls in our eyes are doing something wrong, we better talk about, who allows them to do so!

    RLC doesn't tell these girls what to do, And will never tell these girls what to do.

    Admit it,,,you want these ladies to live by a script that you write,,,you want them to stay in the Apt without ever leaving,,You want 24 hours of Nudity,Masturbation, And Lesbian sex or with a guy,,,, You want them to act out your every fantasy around the clock,,, No sleep if and when Possible right? Stop me when I get to the part that I'm wrong.

    You know the one thing I never hear any of you guys actually say,,,,None of you have "EVER EVER EVER EVER" said what you actually want them to do,,,all I see is what they are doing wrong but none of you have the balls to Admit that what you actually want is for them to act like a Cam Girl or like how the people over at those other voyeur Sites act.

    RLC is successful because they are not like those other websites,,,and just by looking at the traffic to those other websites here on CC you can tell what kind of things the majority of folks like to see,,,Straight porn is boring,,we like to see interaction and the personalities of these ladies,,that's why girls like Rosie are so popular,,because she has the personality to light up any room whether she is naked or not.

    • Upvote 7
  6. 14 minutes ago, balt2103 said:

    This is your opinion. And we know that. But you should also accept that others see it differently!

    No it's not just a different opinion,,it's a highly inaccurate opinion,,,I'm trying to talk some sense into you and others who think this way.

    Why is there so much concern about what they do outside of the Apt,,,or for how many days they leave for? Are you only paying for just one female in one Apt?

    And most importantly if you are not a satisfied costumer and you don't like what's going on,,,why not quit RlC and wait until the right moment when things are going on just the way you like it?

    As long as I've been a member of RLC, Ive never seen any of these girls changing their habits of not leaving the Apt because of people complaining about it here.

    Maybe our brains are wired differently because I still don't get why people complain about them leaving,,When it clearly says so on RLC's Website that these ladies will go about their days and leave for work, Shopping, The Beach, The Gym, The Club, To see Friends, To Enjoy Barcelona Etc,,,, You guys sound very miserable when you complain,, I don't want to blame it on Old age,,but most of you are old enough to be my Grandfather And we know how old people get very complacent and miserable most days.

    Just watch another Apt when one Apt gets boring for you,,,there is no need to focus on just one female and get mad because she is gone. I enjoy all of RLC not just one section of it. When my favorite Apts get empty I either leave and go get stuff done around the house or go do something outside my house,,,or I switch to see what the other Apts that I don't really watch that much have to offer. There is a 1 in 20 chance something is happening somewhere else.

    • Upvote 5
  7. 2 minutes ago, Harry1949 said:

    Benford, absolutely correct.  Irma always kept her 'audience' in mind and balanced her personal off site visits with making sure she did things to entertain us.  Even when she was injured and hurting a lot of the time.  Irma is a real Trooper not a tease like a number of the current crop.  Lola, Polya and Rose are the ones that come closet to Irma for professionalism.

    I agree 100% Irma did leave,,but when she came back,,,she was always in a good mood that made her do stuff for us that puts us in a good mood:biggrin:


    • Upvote 3
  8. 10 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    In defense of Irma, when she returned from her weekend away she gave us some of the best shows we have ever seen with Danaya and Jess

    The way how these guys obsess, bitch and complain about these women leaving for a day or more,,,you would swear that these women are their wives or girlfriends,,,,, They would be blowing up their phones every 2 seconds,,, (Gina where are you? Are you coming back home soon? Please don't leave me here all alone Wahhhh Wahhh Wahhh :cry::cry::biggrin:)

    This place gets flooded with the tears every time a girl leaves the Apt for a longer time than expected. This shit cracks me up every time I see page after page of nonstop crying:biggrin:

    Rita was out of the Apt more than most of these women,,,and she was gone every single day,,,and not one time was I here bitching and crying about it like a little bitch,,I just simply went and watched Kristy or some other Apt while she was gone,,, Because unlike most people here,,I pay for 20 fucking Apts,,,not just 3.:dodgy::dodgy:

    • Upvote 8
  9. 1 hour ago, martyen said:

    Ok but it seems like it has another place to sleep, maybe the girls will be less in the apartment and more at the guy's apartment it's just a guess; Why make him come just to sleep? , And contrary to you I think Jasmin seems interested by this guy but can be just politeness to Rose. .:exclamation:.. I have another theory the guy is photographer and do photos of charms I do not talk about sex pictures, actually I think lesbian pictures (Jasmine Rose and can be Belle) is just a feeling not a affirmation.:dodgy:

    Whatever you are smoking to come up with this wild ass speculation and made up story you need to stop being so selfish and share it with us,,,Puff Puff Pass Martyen:biggrin::biggrin:


    • Upvote 2
  10. 38 minutes ago, Admin said:

    I have removed guest view limits for the site until further notice. Previously, you were only allowed to view 8 threads before you were forced to login. Initially this was done to encourage more signups and thus more participation. However, after taking a closer look at some of the traffic patterns it is clear that the guest view limits were negatively affecting traffic to the site. For example the amount of new visitors to the site is up significantly from last year, yet the amount of page views is down. 

    - A 

    Back when I used to forget my own password to my CC account,,,this used to really be a pain in the ass whenever I tried to view as a guest on my phone or tablet,,,, 8 threads and a time limit didn't really give a guest too much of an opportunity to see this site and what it had to offer,,,,you had to limit yourself as to what page you clicked on, while all the time worrying when your Credit was gonna expire lol:angel:

    Then you had to do that long wait until you could log back in again,,that was no fun at all,,,,So a big thank you to the Admin for taking the limit off at least for now::)


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