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Posts posted by euromike69

  1. I'm beginning to think that there are a lot of prepubescent little kids on here as members,the way how they are acting because kamila masturbated last night and we mentioned it on cc,I'm guessing that they are too young to read too,because if they could read,then they would have seen that I wrote that I would upload what happened last night when I came home today from work,but since I got home and read all these comments,I just said f$%k it why should I even bother to put any effort into uploading anything when i'm being called a liar about someone masturbating ahh well I guess I'll just add that one to my archive  :-X :-X

  2. Shout out to everyone who had their finger on the record button to catch Kamila masturbating last night,Damn where is a good porno when you need one lol,I had to wait a long ass time for her to find the right porno to masturbate to but she finally found one,wow that girl's orgasm is really intense, now off to bed I'm gonna be tired at work tomorrow lol.I'll upload a screen cap when I get home tomorrow. :-* :-* :-*

    Ohh yeah I forgot,she used a beer bottle this time,I like a girl who can improvise lol.

  3. Thank you Stone cold,this girl Leora never disappoints, she is definitely the V.I.P of RLC  :-* :-*

    And someone needs to put that dog outta my misery lol, you guys notice that, that dog never seems to come around until exactly when Leora starts to masturbate,it's like she can sense it,but it's really annoying when that little dog keeps interrupting her or blocking my damn view or barking non-stop.

  4. Dammit that's what I get for having a job that I gotta go to five days a week I miss out on all the action,mmhh I guess that I was right after all,RlC has listened,and  they have delivered two hotties that don't mind letting loose a little bit,I see good things for this apt. so far,I just wish that I could sit at home all day and not work lol,ahh well gotta go make that money.

  5. Thanks Snaky,Do any of you guys work? or are you on food stamps/welfare?if you guys don't have a job i'm accepting resumes i'm pretty sure I could find something in one of our company affiliates for you guys to do,I always meant to ask you sir what kind of snake are you a constrictor or a venomous snake? I know that your name is snaky but dude you have taken that name literally,to actually pretend to be one that's not cool bro.

    Ok I'm done with this commenting back and forth you win guys there I said it lmaoo!! So you guys can relax I'm going to do something more important now with my day like depositing checks and counting my money so have a good day and remember I help the poor and needy so if you ever need anything let me know ok thank you guys I love each and everyone of you God bless you.:)

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  6. All those words and you never said anything intelligent,I guess you never went to college and your mad that I did,I'm sorry about that Ozi,you even needed the help of online jokes lol,mmmhh let me answer you this one time, I'm not the owner/Admin of this website or it's moderator they used to have dirtybin but they pulled it,I have thousands of videos that I wanted to unload on here but I didn't feel like going elsewhere so I wanted to do everything in-house under CC,that would profit CC and no one else,so yes I think that your feeble attempt at a joke was actually your way of telling me that you wish that you had accomplished in life what i did, and that you make the kind of money that I do,I'm sorry that you are poor little man,give me your information and I could send you some money to get you back on your feet.  ::)

    And by the way you guys are actually letting everyone who reads these comments know that I was right when I said that ya'll agree with everything each other says, and that you guys can't do without each other's approval, geez that's so pathetic, I could just imagine how much you guys are in-boxing each other right now saying "let us gang up and destroy this guy because he's making us look bad on here", let's copy and paste each other's comments,let us call him names,I guess that anyone who doesn't bow down to you guys and agree with everything you say is on your hitlist now too huh?I must have really hurt ya'll little feelings is that the best you guys can do?aahh that's so cute it takes three to tango with me I guess lmaoo!! And I'm done with this silly back and forth because I'm doing the same thing now making useless comments instead of posting photos and videos,I'm gonna renew my subscription to RLC and see if these new girls are worth screen-capping and I'll upload them so you can freeload off me.

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  7. Boy I tell you sometimes I feel like Phil (Bill Murray) in the movie Groundhog Day,I come on CC and see the exact same comments about these girls not showing any nudity, and hiding in the shower and walking backwards out the shower and hiding in blind spots and being on their cellphones/tablets/laptops,I kinda lost count but I think this is like the third set of females who have done the same thing but yet everyone still acts surprised when these girls do what they do,I think that this is probably pretty much gonna be the new norm guys,RLC has officially let us know now that whining and canceling subscriptions doesn't bother them at all,they couldn't give a rat's ass what we think,if it ain't a technical problem then they don't care,they proved me wrong when I said canceling my subscription would make them listen to me lol,the joke is on me,my little $45 bucks is a drop in the bucket compared to the thousands of people in hundreds of countries that sign up on a daily basis to RLC,I have seen the light and I hope that some of you guys will see it too,that way we can stop being angry about things on RLC that we don't like or have any control over...thank you.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107048/

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  8. Of all the people that come on here SANPER58 is the only person who has stuck to the script, and does exactly what the rest of us should have been doing from the minute we joined CC,everyday he gives us screen caps on a consistent basis and contributes tremendously to this site,I don't even recall ever even hearing him make a comment or get involved in any argument or whining, I wish we all could be more like him and speak with our contributions of photos or gifs and videos,and not with these useless comments, Thank you Sanper58, you speak the least but at the moment you have the loudest voice keep up the good work sir. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  9. Did I hurt your little feelings talking about the bitches on RLC, I never knew that you would get hurt by me talking about your imaginary girlfriends on RLC, I apologize OZI now take the tampon out your ass and lets get back to talking about these nice decent ladies on RLC..... :P :P :P

    And you said the macho talk,yet you are the one hiding behind a computer spewing hatred on CC,because you know that no one on here can find out who you are or where you live, you are probably either a little scrawny ass 14 year old boy,or an overweight unemployed dude sitting at home jacking off to RLC,and getting mad when I call your girlfriend on RLC a bitch,


    I'm done arguing with this fool I'm going to bed I'll check back on your silly ass response when I get home from work tomorrow where I make 3grand a week because of my lack of intelligence and fake masters degree in engineering and computer science,you know he probably look just like his avatar picture lmfaoo!!

  10. You would have to relevant for that to happen....Why is this sorority of guys always liking everything each other says,it is almost like they gotta always agree and can't form their own opinions outta fear of getting kicked out the girl band lmaoo (Buster,Snaky,Ozi,Kooloos,Albacore) I had to go back and double check, way to go Albacore you get the donkey of the day trying to insult people by throwing out curse words telling them to shut the fuck up,take your own advice and don't read what you don't like and shut the f@#k up too,now lets get back to what's relevant on CC, talking about these bitches on RLC.

    I had to come back and say, although we can't all agree on the same thing. I'm pretty sure that no one can disagree that RLC ain't like it used to be like back in the late 2012-2013 when all of us pretty much first got used to seeing that website for the first time,the nostalgia has worn off, It's like when you have sex with a girl you really like for the first time or (for the crackheads on here lol) your first crack pipe it's just never gonna feel like the first time,and then from then on you become complacent and whiny about everything that you don't like about RLC.

  11. Haha I guess that you don't know how a business is run then huh?,if enough people cancel their subscriptions I guarantee you that there will be changes,let them start bleeding money and not have enough subscribers to keep their little project going and you will see how fast things change,it could even end up being another chaterbate or regular porn site with all the masturbating and sex on a daily basis,Think Leora and Alina the two veterans of RLC,you think that they lasted this long because they sat around every day on cellphones and tablets and hid from the cameras even when showering...That website should be called KRLC..(Kinda real life cam) because none of us get a complete picture of what these people would truly do if they themselves didn't know they are being filmed,it is slim pickings for these apts. and once in awhile we get lucky and get a freaky girl who don't care to perform in front of the cameras( ie. Alma ) just imagine if she was in Nika's room. Like I said before I won't complain on here I just cancel and wait for something i like.

  12. Speak with your pocketbook people if you don't like what you see on RLC, and if you cancel your subscriptions make sure to let RLC know the reason behind your cancellations,coming on CC and complaining about the lack of nudity ain't gonna change anything over on RLC, Think about it for a second, RlC has never sent any of us an email and said,"We saw your complaints on CC and we will make the changes you requested and complained about" I cancelled my subscription two months ago and I let them know why,and until I see the changes I requested,I simply just won't re-subscribe and keep my money instead of coming over here and filling up all these pages about the exact same thing every day. ??? :o

  13. Gotta ask yourself where would RLC be without CC and vice versa,Most people use CC mainly because we can't actually be in front of a computer screen for an entire day and use this site to catch up on what we missed,When RLC is slow and boring it also reflects on here,because people start complaining and whining about RLC,even though RLC doesn't like CC they actually need this place to attract new costumers,I think that most of us have been on both sites for so long that we have seen it all and recorded it all,the feeling I had when I first knew about RLC and the first sex scene that I saw can never happen again,everything from then on was just Mehh lol.I was a kid in a candy store and now I'm sick of eating candy 8) 8) ;)

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