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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. You are wasting your time on these two tonight. Maybe down the road sometime they will hook up.
  2. Happy Birthday Blair. looks like you had a good time with all the games being played all day and night long. I am sure you had the TOP CAM for most of the time, so we should applaud Mike and Loraine for putting on a good show. Barcelona Click Bait House on the Hill Style
  3. The way they are pouring the drinks already, it won't be long and they will really Happy again with all they drank last night.
  4. Analysis: Kylie and Russ are much better with the Twins and Gina, so much better to watch than the Drunken Disastrous loud and obnoxious Diane.
  5. You know sometimes DRUNKS can be entertaining, but these DRUNKS are as boring as it gets. Drunken Disastrous Diane certainly leads the way here.
  6. The Most Lovable Luscious Lickable Loraine in nude in those sheets. Now that is the only real woman in this bunch of drunks, So fucking Hot, So Fucking Sexy, So Incredibly Sensual , and her ability to be seductive in off the charts. I am so glad that she was brought back and I know why they did. Not one of these girls in B-4 can hold a candlestick for this Lady. Lovable Loraine out classes them all.
  7. That gal on the 2nd floor has to a have a puddy that will sore tomorrow from that vibrator, she has been at it for about an hour non stop.
  8. Well the once red hot Elvira is now a cold lump in bed LMAO, and so much for the great show everyone thought would happen. I see she is now joined by at the hip BFF, crashed and burned.
  9. What time is it ? It is TENT TIME featuring "The Most Adolescent Amy"
  10. Banishment sucks and that is what happens when post pics. The difference is night and day if you have been a watcher of the Penthouse. 100 times plus improvement over the Kamila days or complete boredom.
  11. Left the young one out with the wolves did they ? She may never be the same when she gets home now 😉
  12. Well the four hottie's must be having a really good time as they have been gone for over 7 hours, and this is really late for them to get home from partying, I figure since they took "The Adorable Amy" with them it must be a coming of age party Barcelona Style for her LOL 😎
  13. Oh hell that is correct I remember that now that you mention it, Halfhiemers is setting in in my younger age. LOL
  14. That sure goes back a long time in the history of RLC when the cameras were terrible and sound was even worse.
  15. That was before my time Stone, I didn't join until Alma was in that apartment
  16. There have been a few lesbian couples and so far not to the best of my recollection.
  17. HOT Damn ALANA is all kinds of sexy tonight laying there in bed, man I think this young lady could really be great participant and one to remember when she decides to completely give in to her sexuality and desires. She is quiet most of the time, but I know that a raging wild woman residing deep inside and is begging for freedom.
  18. I agree Sergio very conservative with all the participant's but with Blair and Mike, and even most of the time when she is alone. I would love to see her grow wand explore more of her wild side, as you know what the saying is about those ultra conservative girls, turn out the lights and close the bedroom door, and then hang on for dear life as you about to experience the wild side of life. 😉
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