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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. Karina Can,,,,,,,,, Will Karina...…. now that is the question ? Lazy Daisy Do Nothing can take the RLC boot in the butt, and keep her suitcase packed. I have to admit I really like the new girl next door Crazy Kool Karina, she gets my vote for the most improved in B-1
  2. Gentlemen, I believe this subject has been addressed all to well, so lets move ON !!!! This will be the last notification on this subject matter.
  3. Ok Gentlemen I believe we have beat this topic up enough, These girls decided to take one hell of chance with RLC and answer the question ? I think it is about time to move to a more constructive conversation about the girls of B-2. Thanks Girls for stepping up and letting your feelings known on the forum.
  4. I just had to do a double take as I checked in Miss Daisy Do Nothing she moved on up the thumbnails, I thought maybe she was playing just bit as I seen the covers ruffling a bit, then it was then I realized she just farted.
  5. Wow Lazy Daisy Do Nothing is a real piece of work isn't she, She turns on the hall light so the Night Vision on the camera does not work. You talk about sticking your middle finger up at the RLC and voyeurs, she has to take the cake since Milana actually flipped off the camera the day she left B-1.
  6. Well yes actually. I should have known better though. I have been watching football wild card games anyway.
  7. ANTICLIMATIC......wow we that was fun huh ? I think it might have been as much fun as the Do Nothings were tonight. Top Notch girls. Pitiful just plain ass pitiful.....lol I can't believe I wasted my Sunday afternoon on that shit.
  8. Trump might have been in to something when they were chanting LOCK HER UP, this most definitely applies to Oski. The girl is friggen crazy. It is no wonder Anita escaped form her about as fast as she could.
  9. 1...... 30 second drunken escapade is what you are referring to, is that correct in 30 days on RLC ? MASSIVE FAILURE to do anything else in that time span.
  10. I just happen to catch this by accident as I am not even watching B-1, but I saw Daisy on the thumbnails and clicked to see her grab a pair of panties and go to the downstairs bathroom to put them on. Perfect, it just keeps getting better doesn't it. This is why RLC is going down the tubes. Lazy Daisy Do Nothing Ever what slap in the face to the legacy and the girls that once were B-1
  11. Yep I know it, and Karina is very shy. Karina has 100 ties the body that Lazy Daisy Do Nothing has as well. Karina could be the next RLC girl next door, if only she could get past her shyness. Lazy Daisy Do Nothing is not worth the time it takes to click on her bedroom.
  12. That is right Daisy make sure to keep your back to the cameras at all times when in the shower, Perfect just one more of the many reasons to send you packing to northern tundra of the Ukraine. I really am surprised she doesn't shower with her panties on.
  13. Karina put away three bottles into the fridge, and if Frank brings a bottle of scotch like he likes to drink, then that should be enough for the four of them, if they can get Daisy Do Nothing out of bed. Maybe Frank will treat them again with his famous Bathroom Blow 😉
  14. Maybe Batman and the Arkham Asylum white coats finally caught up with her.
  15. Someone better wake up Daisy DO Nothing 😀that wat she can do nothing as usual
  16. I actually do not pay for the replay, and I subscribe for 6 months also, but the majority of the members do not, and if you live in the US you miss mostly everything because of the time difference, and this is why they have all the US members over a barrel and they have to purchase the replay also to see anything. Pretty shitty way to treat your largest population of members.
  17. Kaley is in the apartment all the time, she has not changed much since she took the spare room. She is friendly to all, and treats the voyeurs well. I don't think Kaley can be influenced by anything that is posted on this discussion site and about RLC. She is her own person, doing her own thing, in her own time. She treated the Angels very well while they were there and even joined some times with them. Kaley is simply put a genuine good person.
  18. The key words are the rewards for patience, there has to be end to the means. At 900 bucks a year, I would think that the rewards should and would be abundant.
  19. Here is a fuel to the fire, could it possible that Mila goes to B-1 to replace the soon to be kicked out Daisy Do Nothing, that way she can spend more time with Sera. They seem to have good friendship that has developed. We all know that what Sera says goes for B-1m as she is the Crown Princess of B-1, we all know B-1 needs something.
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