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Posts posted by Thestarider

  1. You Know if the newbie Sambuka's friend is looking for a free apartment stay on RLC she has to step out of box and show the owners of the site she is worth thier investment. Sambuka needs to help her get over her fear of the cams. That is what friends do, they help each other out.... BTW I want to get to know the MILF that did Sambuka's facial today... she has nice tits and a reat ass for woman in her 40's or early 50's. OH LA LA !!!

    • Haha 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    Complete and total failure on Leora's part... The so called Matriarch of RLC has completely Failed her Fans and the members of RLC and showed to all voyeurs there is nothing special about her. !!!! Queens know what thier role is and Leora has showed all of us, she is no QUEEN and I am questioning her matriarch status these days... but she has proved she is no more than just another participant in the project who deserves no more of our time than any other participants......Time to go to next level or retire from RLC....Interest has been lost by so many of your long time faithful viewers.

    Leora has only herself to blame for not stepping out of her box and exploring every option before her,,,,=so much sensuality, so much sexuality, so much seduction for all the voyeurs/// but nothing new and out of the box..... So honestly the queen has become extremely stagnet and boring !!!!

  3. Complete and total failure on Leora's part... The so called Matriarch of RLC has completely Failed her Fans and the members of RLC and showed to all voyeurs there is nothing special about her. !!!! Queens know what thier role is and Leora has showed all of us, she is no QUEEN and I am questioning her matriarch status these days... but she has proved she is no more than just another participant in the project who deserves no more of our time than any other participants......Time to go to next level or retire from RLC....Interest has been lost by so many of your long time faithful viewers.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    I would much rather see a little two for the price of one... and even then I am not sure that both of them could satisfy Leora sexually.

    It is long past time for Lepra and Paul to take it to the next level..... question is can she do it, and can Paul handle it ? I have believe that our matriarch of RLC has what it takes to go to places she has never been before. To completely give in to her deepest darkest fantasies, we all know she has sexual desire and is honestly one of very best seductress ever on RLC. Paul well that is another question in itself.

  5. I have told you all this will not happen again no matter how much Elli desires Peater. The Rugby man has placed the barrier to not cross with his friend. Elli can desire with all that she is to be satisfied by Peater, but now it is just her fantasy just like Mother Teresa and her Gang Bang fantasies in B-5....Father Timur would never allow her to satisfy her deepest darkest fantasy/// Elli is no different just like last night she was made up to hilt wth hopes of seducing  Prater, but he knows that will cause him his friendship with the Rugby player.

  6. If Only.... I f only I could say this just once ..... Shantel the seducer.... If only I could say Shantel the sensational .... If only I could say Shantel the sexual .... If only Shantel the sultry would take us to place she and all us have never been before !!!

    She has had her friend for to long have to not let us see what they do behind the closed doors.... or off camera... You know full well they are far more than friends.

    I think it is time for Shantel to leave the project because she will not share with all of us who pay the bills. 

    Be gone with you .. you have overstayed your welcome from a voyeurs view!

     It is time to open the Master bedroom up too those to those wish to please the voyeurs who pay the bill for RLC.... Shantal is user  and abuser of her privilages, and not one who thinks about the voyeurs....

    Ba Bye Shantal and your cute friend... you are not worth my time.....


    • Upvote 3
  7. 9 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Yo star, i think men in general don't want anyone f'ng thier ladies for that and many other reasons. If he was the king of fucking , which he obviously isnt, he probably wouldn't want Elli having sex with another man maybe because he loves her?  If for what God forsaken reason she might also love him might make him jealous p us he might lose her to some Romeo like Dylan? Duh! Although I'd love to see Dylan give Elli oral at least

    Too Shay Ash...

  8. See I told you Fat Boy makes her go to bed with him because he is afraid he will loose her the better man sexually. Why waste your time hoping from days long past.... Ellie would love to give thier friend and happy ending, but as with all the men of just like father Timur thar can not handle that thier women want so more than can offer them sexually. Selfish jelous bastards anyway, they ruin it for the voyeurs who pay the bills for them live a life of luxury !!!!

    Fucking Boring ass shit on RLC these days !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank goodness for streaming videos on the Roku where you can we watch what you want too !!!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, lazza135 said:

    Looks like he's staying another night maybe they saved the show for night 2

    Fat Boy will not let her have fun with theit friend again.... No matter how much Ellie wants to suck the friends cock and have him please her the way that he can't... It wont happen again.

  10. If Ulyana fucked the hell out of Curly knowing full well it was going to ruin her friendship with Gina, then she will fuck any hard dick in her face. Ulyana and Harley need to show us that they are better than Ashley and Gloria, and Gloria and Aziza.... I know they are but it has yet to be proven. If Ulyana does not fuck Dylan then she has completely lost her Mojo and she is worthless and weak when it comes to seducing and a real man.

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