My (and RLC of course, hehe) dear Queen, and the felow members, Malia as well, for sure! π
My sub ended a couple of days ago. Fortunatly or not - it's just a fact. Life is going on like always does. But - wait - it did go in a more pleasant way... When was that actually? Or - where are those times?
Well, my dear Queen (and all of you etc...) that times looks like have gone. Am not happy, but hey, that's life. I guess you're (my dear Queen) tasting some of it as well. And that's OK, no prob.
I will miss your looks at the cam, will miss your behind, your genuine pleasure while playing etc... There's just a thing I'd like to say (to you, ofc)...
Go out. Have a life. Get the guys - as many as you can! Have a life of your own, cancel the RLC agreement and go - your way... But!
With all my heart I'm asking you, don't come back. Don't come back after weekends around, beeing in a bad mood, crying and - bodering yourself about whatever it is... You were not socializing much lately and good guys are hard to find these days (hehe). You will have to try. Try hard over and over again. One day, the prince may show up for you (he might be even a royal blood, hehe).
Anyway - you should try, you should be open and honest to the ones that you like a bit more, but still - not everyone. You're not 15 anymore. And - out there - there's a real life. Be clever and have a blast! π
As for me, I will renew my sub when I will be able to see you some more, will see more of your behind and esspecially - you (the Queen) looking at the cam. That's just me. Trust me - you have to decide - what you would like! π
Kiss! π