They're frustrated. I guess there's many reasons for them to feel that way. Being captured in an RLC appartement far to long is the main one, for sure. Paul, much older than leora, already a made man, leora still slowly 'growing up'. Practically no social life ( I wrote about this before - no walking dog, no partying at the weekends, no coffee times with friends etc. etc....)... No real or at least partial jobs - actually not much of a life. And of course all together reflects on their relationship, sexual as well... Paul cant fuck her, because somewhere back in his head he's aware of it. For leora is just one more thing to be frustrated about... Ah, life sucks...
Best for both of them would be to agree that leora puts on a show to be remembered in RLC history, the one to be talked about for a long long time and then say - bye bye RLC! ;)