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Everything posted by Brokk!

  1. No now she has landed to pack something, I think.
  2. What she should clean? this week was home only last night and Monday night. 🤣
  3. But if you leave the dog for two days and it barks, you will see how someone in the palace will not like it... especially the landlord. Plus she's completely alone now, there won't be Paul to look after the dog for her while she's away.
  4. What I hope is that if Paul comes to bring her Eva she won't leave her alone in the house for days like she has done this week. It is not very humane to leave a dog for 1/2 days to piss and shit in the house...
  5. The only certainty is that we will not have certainties, I think 😆. We can believe that she already shaved on Tuesday at LB's house as she shaved last night in the bathroom (in any case she was in the bathroom, you have to understand if to play around on the phone or actually to shave). I would call it the Paradox of Schrödinger strip 😁.
  6. I don't know ... it could have done everything in the small bathroom and it would still have achieved the same result and perhaps in a simpler and more effective way. It may be that she did it to send a signal to us, but what is the point if it is clear that she has been to LB anyway? Indeed, by doing so it is even more obvious that it was with him in these days. Even if she actually went to him, it didn't help much to stay with him for 2 days (3 days even counting last Sunday) since when she came back she made 2000 phone calls and did not seem regenerated at all. In the end, however, she just proved that when she says she doesn't need men in her life she's say bullshits.
  7. Anyway, if it were true that Leora was at LB's home and she invented all these means so as not to be discovered by us, she is in very very very bad shape.
  8. Anyway, what did she leave on the sofa? From cameras 1 and 2 I don't seen well.
  9. And what's more, I don't think she's back so happy ... she may be smart but you can see if she's been with him or not.
  10. You say? but why make it so complicated? until now to go to him she has never done these tricks. Why do them now?
  11. It all seems too complicated and intricate to me just not to be discovered that it was with him. Also because there are not many other alternatives as to where she may have been in these days... either from him or from some friend.
  12. Then why show the razor and all? No, she definitely shaved at home now.
  13. Anyway, seeing how she got into the tub I would say that it is obvious that she is trolling us. Like to say "see? The strip is gone".
  14. Do you mean the moles? She has always had them in the face.
  15. Or most likely Leora is trolling us and it is very likely. 😁 With the private bathroom sink nearby it's odd that she went into the bathroom with the cameras to rinse the razor and then returned to the private bathroom to shave. Leora and her mysteries...🙄
  16. And you are right, there is no reason. Until now she has always shaved every week and always BEFORE going out, not the day before.
  17. Who knows why but I doubt it. So she hasn't been with him these days? If not, why shave now that she is home? She could have done as she always did before going out, after all she spent a lot of time in the bathroom on Tuesday as well before washing.
  18. I don't want to insinuate anything but it's strange that as soon as she gets home the first thing she does is cut her strip and then take a bath. It is clear that she is no longer going out for tonight but I do not understand this rush to cut that strip. We'll see but some behaviors seem strange to me.
  19. Then Leora must have cut it when she was in the bathroom earlier. If Patou saw her with the razor in her hand, that's where she shaved.
  20. As long as Leora don't put on a Tampax after the bath. And then you can wait until next week. 😁
  21. I hope she stays home. It seems to me that for this week she has already been more away from home than at home.
  22. It seems strange that she has shaved now and not before going out.
  23. Whatever she has done these days does not seem to have been solved, since she will also be back but she is always on the phone.
  24. So it was two days with the same clothes on? Well...
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