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Everything posted by Brokk!

  1. And happy new year to Masha too... It sucks to spend the end of the year like this.
  2. It was a surprise for the last day of the year. It is clear that Leora wants to be free by the 31st (i.e. today).
  3. Well, i didn't expect them to come back honestly. It's nice to see that they are still together.
  4. Who knows what plans they have for tonight. Last year i seem to remember that they were home for both Christmas Eve and Christmas (at least for dinner).
  5. Oh dio tradito...Masha più volte gli ha detto che non è legata a lui e che vorrebbe scopare chi vuole lei mentre lui era libero di scopare chi vuole. Ernesto è stato stupido a non capire che Masha non vuole relazioni serie.
  6. Alessandro sa anche che Masha non fa altro che buttare merda addosso ai suoi stessi amici. Domandiamoci come mai non si fa più viva l'amica che gli faceva le treccine o Alessandro stesso che veniva più spesso a trovare Masha. Ora vengono soltanto Babi, Roxy o qualche altra amicizia russa.
  7. Bad, these things must be reported immediately.
  8. Another lamb to sacrifice for Wolf or Massimo or both.
  9. Anyway, i wouldn't be surprised if Masha called the police and that's why the apartment was suspended for almost a week. Between the damage reported to the apartment and the bruises she has on her body, it seems absurd to me that she didn't also sue him. Also because in Italy in this period the police are no longer as soft as they once were on these incidents of domestic violence.
  10. Let's see how long this thing will last, even the other times it seemed that Ernesto would never show up again...
  11. It's true that miracles happen at Christmas. 😄
  12. I love when Leora wears these shirts that purposely show her natural tits. Some nice pics of Leora and Malia Kissing only in night vision than Leora and Zena almost a touch with her feet. (Content No Longer Available)
  13. After today/tonight i realized that tantric sex is not for me. I prefer a chamomile to help me sleep. Karma has a nice body but spending (euphemism) 30 hours on foreplay...nope.
  14. It is more likely that the tenants themselves will decide when to leave RLC.
  15. In my opinion, what pissed Ernesto off the most about Masha was her lack of care about...everything. Masha almost seems to push Ernesto to get together with Roxy as she already did with Sasha&Dasha and Ernesto doesn't want this situation. Even the other time Ernesto fucked Roxy together with Masha gave me this feeling that Masha wants to push Ernesto onto Roxy.
  16. Fortunatamente ha mandato in manutenzione solo l'appartamento di Masha. Per me voleva risolvere certe questioni privatamente con Masha lontano dalle telecamere e ci è riuscito visto il risultato. Però ora mi aspetto che RLC prenda provvedimenti, non può lasciare che un ospite faccia un casino, distruggendo qualunque cosa, per far spegnere forzatamente le telecamere.
  17. Che sia una relazione tossica è evidente a tutti ma non a lui a quanto pare. A Ernesto gli sembra tutto normale tutte queste scenate che vanno avanti da un anno a questa parte? Ormai si è perso il conto di quante volte l'appartamento è andato in manutenzione per le loro stronzate non risolte.
  18. Ah shit, i missed yet another comedy between Masha and Elvis.
  19. You can't understand anything from RLC. So Ulyana is out or not? Or will they move her somewhere else?
  20. I bet Uly will be back in 6 months. RLC always needs girls like her.
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