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Everything posted by Brokk!

  1. Even tonight she will be out quite late judging by the fact that she is preparing dinner for herself. While Vencell is in the bedroom. And the way Ellie is dressed it doesn't look like she's going out to work...
  2. It seems to me that Elli no longer wants to be part of rlc. Too detached and too unconvinced to stay, she has practically become like Martina.
  3. I will pass for a troll but if RLC's present must be a girl who stays more or less 3-6 months , a year maximum, and RLC's future must be a girl who is never there in the night because she works or hangs out with another guy and the day sleeps well...we are in good hands.
  4. Who knows why but i have a bad feeling. Whenever girls find out there are videos of them they stop doing pretty much everything. Of course, Nadia is never already in the apartment so for her it doesn't change anything. 😁
  5. Let's hope they at least speak English or Spanish. Or if they are Russian/Ukrainian at least they know English.
  6. Nothing new, it's always been like this in some moments. The next step will be the return of Radislava, Mila, maybe Monica again. Now anyone can come back. This is because rlc fails to attract anyone but the usual type of girls. Or girls like Lialia, Shantal etc etc.. or girls like Ashley.
  7. Anyway the old tenants can rest easy. If RLC has pulled Ulyana out of nowhere, they can take back pretty much anyone. They are so desperate that they have no more girls to recruit and those they recruit usually do like Lialia, that is they disappear. This umpteenth new adventure by Ulyana on rlc proves that this Barcelona format is a failure. I would really like to see the August rlc site statistics as they will be, just to quench my curiosity.
  8. Might as well move Harley and Fiora to B2 and give the apartment to Lubna.
  9. The umpteenth return of Ulyana who will probably stay 3-6 months in B2 having parties with Harley and Fiora. Basically we go from Milena's shows to those of Ulyana and Fiora shows.
  10. So i don't understand what you mean. But to me you and dougie are describing a Leora that doesn't actually exist. She may not be the virgin Mary but she is not what you describe her either.
  11. Come on, we're here every day listing Paul's flaws. Leora could have taken a random flaw here to use as a reason to leave Paul, even the most insignificant one. Without even waiting for who knows what a great opportunity.
  12. Think of Martina&Alberto. Until a few years ago they were thought to be a normal couple and instead they have always been just sex friends and nothing else. This is to say that what we see on rlc doesn't always correspond to our idea of relationships. As for L&P, if Leora didn't want to be with Paul and if she wanted to betray Paul, she didn't miss the opportunities (I mean, everyone knows Paul's flaws). Even before they entered to rlc. They've been together for too long now to think that Leora is cheating on Paul with another guy at any moment.
  13. If you think that Leora was dating another man just because Paul cheated on her first it suggests that she is quite faithful as a girlfriend. Not to mention, I doubt Leora is smart enough to keep a secret affair without Paul finding out.
  14. Indeed it sounds ridiculous, once in a while it may be believable but EVERY NIGHT? Wow, i understand Vencel is not Rocco Siffredi but damn Elli is insatiable.
  15. Too complicated with Eva running around the house. 😆
  16. Not to be a mood breaker but Paul might be back soon.
  17. And i would even say he is the worst, cucks usually watch their partner get fucked by another man. He doesn't even do that.
  18. If I'm not mistaken M&A live one floor below K&K apartament.
  19. What is this shit? before they didn't hide with Sara and now this bullshit?
  20. Harley practically doesn't do shit while other tenants and guests do their show, lol.
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