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Everything posted by Brokk!

  1. She had already fucked with Paul just before. You will have to wait tonight, maybe.
  2. I don't know if anyone noticed this but after Leora masturbated, and Paul came back from the gym, she went to hug him to say hello. A small gesture of affection but it makes it clear that even if Leora breaks her ass with vibrators she cares about him. In my opinion peking with his comment came close, Leora likes to masturbate but she also likes to be with Paul.
  3. Let's take time to see if he has actually changed. Judging by how many kilos he has lost in these 3 months, it seems to have actually changed. And above all, the RLC leaders talked to him precisely because of the cats, so he knows he doesn't have to do any more bullshit with cats.
  4. Quanto hai ragione...basta vedere quanto era praticamente indifferente quando Elvis gli ha fatto quel pippone di discorso sul divano in soggiorno. Secondo me Masha aspettava solo il momento che finisse di parlare e scoparlo. E infatti adesso stanno scopando.
  5. He's quite excited and embarrassed about the whole situation and the cameras.
  6. I do not think so. Or at least not for the moment. Masha is practically not talking to Elvis, as if she were more embarrassed than him. He wants to do serious things with Masha, but Masha is known to be not that kind of serious relationship girl.
  7. Of all that scares me is Masha's indifference and TOTAL coldness. Anyway, Elvis' cousin could hear Masha fucking Sam. Very voyeuristic. 😆
  8. From what he says, it looks like he's cleaning himself off drugs.
  9. Ah, apparently the rlc bosses argued with Elvis about how he treated the cats. This according to Elvis obviously.
  10. Someone threw a piece of paper into the kitchen.
  11. I have not read anywhere that all European countries want to send the Russians away. At the moment it is only Estonia that has proposed to send all tourists away and it is not certain that it is possible to do so, however we are talking about deporting thousands of people to Russia, it is not a trivial matter. Not even the Americans did such a thing. I think Leora and Paul will still be in Europe for a long time.
  12. Let's be clearer, it is only Estonia that has proposed this thing and it is not certain that the EU will accept or pass such a thing. It is also necessary to see how many countries do such a thing.
  13. And they call it criticism, you understand? More than criticism, it seems that they enjoy shooting at Paul and that's it. If they admitted it, everything would be simpler instead of passing it off as criticism. The only thing they get is that Leora spends more time with Paul. 😆 Who knows why they think Leora hasn't touched herself for almost two weeks...
  14. More than hypocrites, you are people capable of spitting on the plate they are eating. You want translations but then you are not satisfied, so no one wants to translate the speeches between Paul and Leora anymore and everyone is groping in the dark. You are satisfied with those who confirm your theories and that's it, too bad that they are punctually wrong or far-fetched. If this section of the forum is dead it is certainly not the fault of those who point out that you are completely wrong about Leora and Paul...
  15. For you Paul is not the ideal partner but for Leora he is. She wanted it there and she also seems satisfied. Paul also seems satisfied. Then we saw how Leora was improving on her own...or was always on the phone with Paul or was always away from home. At least now something can be seen and heard, finally we can even see Leora sleeping without the phone in hand. We also saw how many criticisms Leora took because she was alone. The truth is that now you criticize her regardless, without knowledge of the facts.
  16. Exactly last Tuesday. And it will probably be like that tomorrow too.
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