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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. to quote Arrowsmith the best thing in lovin was a sister and a cousin lol
  2. last i saw before it went UM it looked like Luna was putting a bag together to leave for awhile then it comes off UM and she is alone and getting ready to leave looking about as hot as i can imagine her looking,so who knows what happened
  3. you made me look but yes the bed was messed up after it came off UM were it was all made up before
  4. Thanks dont know why but i had it in my head it was the same girl
  5. okay so why do i think that Carla used to be called Vanessa and had a couple of other apts on here that did not end well or am i mistaken ,sorry but the disaster this place is shaping up to be looking like made think of past disasters
  6. now either they made up and she got all dressed to kill to meet up with him,but i doubt it he has been gone all day my money is on oh you can go out all day with the guest ill show you i can go play too
  7. i doubt all claims of people being family on here for the most part,Piper being Masha's sister is best example i never bought into it but a lot of people on here swore by it
  8. she left looking really hot like i said looking for pay back for a cheating boyfriend maybe im just guessing here
  9. so how many hours has Z been gone with the guest,just checked replay they left together just over 10hours ago they left around 12:30 10:45 now
  10. seen it before in one of the apts a guest used the shower the cams in the bathroom went all static the whole time she was in there then cleared up soon as she was done,i belive it was Zoyas old place
  11. Serafina,sorry wrong apt i thought you were talking about her as she has fishnets on too
  12. never thought i would see something that would make body painting look exciting but these girls found it
  13. they are drinking just not all of them the ones at the table are drinking
  14. maybe not even a body painting party looks like they might just be painting on the already patterned paper
  15. let me guess they are all drawing out the body paint patterns
  16. thanks,but would be surprised if they last the week,hell they might not come off UM
  17. so what other aptments becides the girls/couple on vacation are in Barcalona I know Martina's is but are any others,i was thinking all the Barca girls but Nelly was here but wait a minute Martina lives there too so i got to thinking are any of the other apts in Barcalona
  18. Holly and Megan and Alek threesome has a real chance sometime
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