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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. nina is a whore with no consideration for kira at all
  2. we don't need some asshole telling us that there is already a thread like it,would not mind but some asshole is really anal about it
  3. nelly just got out of the shower but still have not seen bogdan there yet
  4. kira home alone again as nina is with the other girls again and she doesnt look happy about it,it seems like nina stays out till all hours when she leaves with these girls,from what I can tell nina wants to be a swinger but kira is a one girl woman and loves nina and puts up with her infedelities
  5. could not agree more,whats up all the girls were so touchy feely even Nora now they hardly even talk anymore well kristy and kami do but not like they did by anymeans
  7. I know there is no way a woman that sleeps with a man could ever have sex with another woman after all,hey most all of the girls of that generation are all a little bisexual most a lot
  8. Yes but he is a total whore he would hit on the female guests while that beautiful woman of his was asleep he did it a lot so you think his intentions are not sexual?
  9. Americans like their reality tv but want it like Japanese porn censor the good stuff but I think we are ready to take the next step and see it all
  10. I always thought it was liberals that were free sexually and its the conseratives that want to regulate what goes on in your bedroom
  11. I know I was surprised a bit by the choice,I probably would try Colorado or California or my home state new york
  12. it depends on what state you want to open it in here, some are more open minded than others might as well forget anywhere in the bible belt
  13. funny I was going to mention the fact it seemed likes the lesbians were the only ones having much sex,except for Carla of course
  14. wow do all women really masturbate this often,but aint it funny none of the guys do ,now I allways thought it was the other way around and guys were the ones that did it all the time am I wrong here?so how real is this real life cam don't get me wrong I don't care to see some dude spanking it
  15. Did anyone else see when Kamila was nude in the bathroom and Kristy was sitting on the toilet ,kristy reached out like she was gong to grab Kamila's breast they laughed then kamila leaned down so Kristy could grab her breast she stood back up then leaned back down so kristy could grab them both and gave her a good feel
  16. HOLY SHIT this girl takes masterbating to a whole new level
  17. she went for a second round ,guess she wants to give zoya a run for her money
  18. alma was a really good one for that too,kinda miss her
  19. Idont remember her showing so much she moved the pillows so the camera would have a great view of her masterbating
  20. They just a couple new toys. So maybe things may pick up. The pleasure always seems to go one way and not the other. But maybe they like that arrangement. Nina and kira are the same way the two I lived with were the same way wonder if that's how most are?
  21. lets see there are 3 couples on vacation 3 empty apartments and one useless apartment Dasha and Demid's things have looked better on this site
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