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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. well him and kim have disappeared off cam cant find either of them and i have been looking for awhile
  2. And the fact they snuck sex in the shower or a overnight in B4 like three or four times after the shower show night and lucian got pissed when he came home and caught them that one time so safe to say it was not the girls who ended it it was lucian he does not like it if he is not involved and he cant get bonnie so alex cant touch her either imo
  3. depends on if gina likes her after all she has had a threesome with him
  4. makes you wonder why its been over week since A&L went to B4 or the girls came to B5 they spent all kinda of time together before the foursome and nothing since since i brought it up they will probably go there today lol but as none of the girls are in B4 that is unlikely
  5. who was it that came home caught the girls having sex and had a fit it was lucian if i remember right i think he just has problem when he is not involved
  6. so Harley must have blocked me as I know him he never would have let what I said slide
  7. and they end up with what one of my ex's called a fuckdoo fuck for a hour spend hour brushing it out but I don't care its so sexy on a woman
  8. that's who I was thinking of when I said Rachel that girl had the prettiest blonde hair down to her ass that was her right. those girls had some beautiful long hair that's another of my things love the long hair
  9. ah another night of milena leading a party what a thrill and with the 2 biggest how do I say it kindly girls that will fuck anything that walks male or female and this was the show we got😏
  10. that's why I cant stand him any more he just comes on here to start shit why the admins put up with it is beyond me he is a broken record saying the same shit for as long as I remember
  11. god harley why do you follow everything here you hate everything that happens here you either need a life or therapy but I remember you begging me for video of what you now call the worst moment in RLC funny huh hippocrite much that's why I have no use for you you just say shit just to get a fight going
  12. and who organized that 130 page worth party that has yet to be equaled I mean omg the quality of the girls that were there now we got mimi and ginger no offense but they are no rachel, belle, stella or a megan and I know im forgetting one but those were all smoking hot girls
  13. you didn't party with lola and have all your clothes on she would see to that yes she had a bad last visit but look who she was there with rosie and belle and they both got forgiven for going out every night then going on the roof when they came home then there is the night the guys showed up then the cams went UM until morning just as the guys were getting ready to leave oh and there is the lola brought drugs into the apts well that happens pretty much every day now like I said before her time and yes she has killer nipples lol
  14. wow milena is doing mimi's hair while ginger is using a vibrator watching then god damn what a show 😒 edited curse you naga you beat me to it lol
  15. okay this is getting old guess im like 0 for 6 now on my latest predictions A&L home alone without some B4 girls oh well better luck next time
  16. bust on Lola all you want how many girls on here have organized a party that had 130 pages of comments also known as the as the great lesbian orgy and those were some really hot girls then too so I like her and don't care what anyone thinks lol
  17. okay enough of these lame ass show organizers bring back Lola could you see her putting on a show with mimi and ginger just saying,Lola was ahead of her time on here imo
  18. So does RLC make the girls spend time with different girls like they are BFFs to keep things interesting Irma and milena are great examples those girls have taken turns hanging with just about all the girls
  19. I hate to say it but the fact we cant see what we want all the time is what keeps us true voyeurs here instead of vhtv if you see what you want every time where is the thrill am I making any sense
  20. What who me never lol I just fantasize about everything turning into a porno video I guess
  21. okay lets see if I can get at least one right here goes my updated prediction A&L go home with the other girls and they take the show a step further I really think I might get this one right even a broken clock is right twice a day lol 😀
  22. so nothing will happen then lol hey if im always wrong lately haha who knows 😁
  23. god damn I am on such a losing streak lately im not used to getting it wrong so often oh well its not the end of the world I guess
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