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Posts posted by EMMETT111

  1. She is not a Newbie to Barcelona ; she may be just filling in until another Russian girl arrives ! And,

    she was already a friend of Nora and visited the apartment a while back.

    thanks I cant keep tract of all the different girls that have made an appearance at the RLC appartments
  2. What has gotten into this guy?  He now covers himself, just as Lucas and Veronica did.  The difference here I believe is that HE's the one looking to cover himself up. 

    Maybe his mom called and said: 

    "Sonny, you have a very, very tiny wiwi, just like your daddy's wiwi.  Cover yourself when attempting to do these nasty things to your girlfriend with with your wiwi.  I am ashamed of the wiwi you were born with.  I was not able to bring you into this world with a large pecker, I mean wiwi.  Please do not let yourself be seen like this, with your wiwi out, almost 2 inches long when swollen and hard.  All my girlfriends follow your wiwi on RCL and Cam Caps, and they come by the house and ask me if your papa's wiwi is the same size as your wiwi, or if he has a bigger wiwi than your wiwi.  They also ask me if I'M satisfied with a small size wiwi as well.  Others just want to see your daddy's wiwi, because they have never seen a wiwi so small.  I do not know how to answer all the wiwi questions about your wiwi."

    Susan has demonstrated time and again she does not give a fuck if the cameras are there or not.  Gotta love her for that.

    exactly like dasha and demid
  3. Pity...I can't get turned on by 'plastic' women.....In desperation I'd sooner look at Nora!

    Before anyone criticises my comments...It is my personal taste.

    I am the same way,I refuse to watch a porn if it involves one of these plastic women so I have no problem not watching her
  4. Yes, she has been busy all day. Got up at a quarter to one p.m., played with her phone the next hour, went to the kitchen at ten to two p.m., washed some dishes and cleaned the kitchen, drank something for "breakfast", then started emptying the bathroom. And now she is back to the phone at 2.30 p.m. I was also interested if she will ever take a shower and therefore kept an eye on her, but no. Same shorts and shirt, same underwear as yesterday evening, and she slept wearing them.

    looks like she has had the same bra on the whole time she has been there
  5. She is packing up a lot of stuff from the bathroom and putting it in a little suitcase,she sure had a lot of stuff in the bathroom for someone who never used the shower,when she first got here I saw her putting all that stuff in the bathroom I figured she was going to use their bathroom for more than brushing her teeth why else would she need so many toiletries,must be she changed her mind huh

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